DILF - Page 42

Love—sometimes it only shows up when everything seems lost.



This might the sweetest kiss we’ve shared so far. There’s something special about a kiss when love has blossomed. In a sense, it’s almost like magic. Corny, right? But it doesn’t make it any less true.

I reach for Parker, grabbing at his tie, and I let my fingers slide down the smooth fabric until I have my palms pressed against his pectorals. I feel their rugged outline under my fingers, and I loosen the knot on his tie. Our tongues are dancing around one another, lost in a soft dance of love and lust.

“I love you,” I repeat, slowly pulling back from him and looking into his eyes. I don’t think I’ll ever grow tired of feeling these words rolling over my tongue.

“Love you too,” he says, placing his hands on my knee and sliding it up to my thigh. We lean into each other once more, our lips drawn together, and I undo the knot on his tie and pull it from around his neck. Slowly moving my fingers, I start unbuttoning his shirt, popping button after button, and then I un-tuck it.

I rest my hand over his abs, feeling their smooth hard curves, and then I curl my fingers around his belt, pulling him into me.

“Someone’s pretty eager,” he whispers into my ear, and then tucks one arm under my knees and pulls me into him while he goes up to his feet. I place one arm around his neck, my eyes never leaving his, and he carries me in his arms across the room we’re in. In silence, he carries me up the stairs and then heads straight to the bedroom, only putting me down on the floor so that he can lock the two large double doors behind us.

“I want you so much,” I tell him, my mind ordering me to rush to him, which is exactly what I do. I close the distance between us with one sure step and, pressing my body against his, I pin him against the wall while I crush my mouth against his.

He returns my kiss eagerly, his tongue finding its way into my mouth while his hands trail down the side of my body and go straight for my ass. He feels the curve of my cheeks over the fabric of my dress and, outstretching his fingers, he cups them and then squeezes, a soft whimper on my lips as I surrender to his touch.

“I’m right here,” he whispers to me, and I just grin and react by pure instinct, jumping up and into him. He reacts fast, his hands on my ass as he holds me, and I just lace my legs around his waist.

We resume our kiss as if our lips had never separated, and Parker stumbles across the bedroom until his knees meet the edge of the bed. He tumbles onto the mattress clumsily, pinning down my body, and I run my hands through his hair, disheveling it.

I move my hips softly, pressing my crotch against his, and my pussy grows wet as I feel the hard shape of his cock pulsing under his pants. “I want it,” I say with a dazed smile, allowing one of my hands to run down the side of his body and then cut in over his waist, only stopping when I have my fingers curled around his thick cock.

“Then have at it,” he replies, his deft fingers pulling down one strap of my dress. Leaning in, he lays his lips on my shoulder, carefully kissing my skin, and then pulls down the other strap, baring the outer edges of my bra.

His lips hike down until they meet my bra, and he grabs it with his teeth, pulling down one cup and setting my nipple free. Smoothly, he reaches for it with the tip of his tongue, running slow teasing circles around it; I grab his hair and pull him into me, a purred moan leaving my mouth as I feel his lips wrapping themselves around my rosy tip.

I close my eyes as I feel tiny electric sparks spreading from my nipple, his tongue working it with a kind of patient fury, and then he pulls down the other cup of my bra. His lips never leave my skin as he slides his mouth down and then up again over the curve of my breasts, reaching for my other nipple.

I moan again, each breath I take making my pussy even wetter, I take my two hands to his shoulders and tug on his open shirt, pushing it down his arms. I curl my fingers into claws and, burying them in his back, I trace hard lines over his muscles, feeling them move under my fingertips. My fingernails dig deep into his flesh, and that makes him suck harder on my nipple. Sweet mercy, this is good.

Moving fast, he slides one hand under my back, and grabbing at the clasp of my bra, he unhooks it and pulls it free. Kneeling over me and between my legs, he now places his hand between my breasts and, grabbing at the string of my bra that bridges the gap between them, he yanks on it and rips it off of my body.

His eyes fall down from mine and, moving with patience, trace a straight line toward my naked breasts. He remains still and in silence for a moment, just taking in the sight of my half naked body, and then he opens his hand and lets the bra slip from his fingers and float down out of sight.

“You’re the most perfect woman I’ve ever met,” he says, his voice laden with more than just lust. There’s love and kindness there; more than just the desire to consume my body, he wants to worship it with his.

I watch in silence as the muscles on his shoulders

move under his skin, his arms reaching for me. I breathe out heavily as his fingers touch the naked skin of my breasts, and a pleasant warmness blankets my mind as I feel my nipple pinned down under the palm of his hands.

I place my hands on top of his and make him squeeze both my breasts harder, arching my body and throwing my head back. “Take me,” I find myself saying, locking my eyes on his. “I’m yours now. Forever,” I whisper without blinking, my heart happily beating inside my chest.

“You are,” he whispers back at me, letting go of my breasts and curling his fingers around my dress. He pulls it down, bunching it around my waist, and then I lift my ass up from the mattress and allow it to slide the fabric down my legs.

Kneeling on the edge of the bed, he grabs my right ankle softly and, lifting it up in the air, he takes my high heel off. He lays his lips on my ankle, kissing my skin gently, and then takes my other high heel off, letting it fall to the floor with a soft thud.

Still grabbing my leg, he starts kissing it up all the way to my knee, and then he slides his lips all the way over to my inner thigh. I grab at the sheets under me, tugging on them unconsciously, and I tremble all over as I feel his lips brushing against my pussy. I want to reach for him, to yank on his hair and force him to crush his mouth right between my thighs… But, somehow, I don’t do it. I remain frozen in place, savoring this moment; something inside of me tells me that this isn’t the moment to rush things, and I obey that whisper willingly.

Placing his hands on my inner thighs, he keeps my legs spread apart and then takes his mouth right to where I need it to be, his lips gently landing on the wet patch of fabric covering my pussy. Opening his mouth wide, he sucks on me over the fabric while, at the same time, he grabs at my thong. He pulls back for a second only, enough time to push on my thong and pull it down my legs, and then he reaches for my inner lips with the tip of his tongue. He flicks it up and down with a patient rhythm, as if we have all the time in the world, and then he goes for my clit, pressing down on it hard.

“That feels good,” I say with a smile, my eyelids drooping as I finally allow my hands to reach for him. I tangle my fingers in locks of hair and, succumbing to desire, I start swaying my hips slowly. I take rushed breaths as I rub my pussy against his mouth, and I keep on doing it until he lays one forearm across my waist, pinning me down.

“That’s because you’re delicious,” he tells me, looking up and into my eyes before he takes his mouth to my pussy once more. Tilting his head slightly sideways, he sucks my folds into his mouth, running his tongue along their length, and he starts stroking my clit with his thumb, rubbing it in fast but precise circles.

Tags: Alexis Angel Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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