DILF - Page 43

He licks me until I don’t even know if I’m breathing anymore, and then all the air inside my lungs rushes out of me as, without a warning, he slides his middle finger inside my pussy. He curls it up, looking for that sweet spot, and he presses hard against it when he finds it. I gasp as I feel the pressure on my G-spot and clit blend into a perfect storm, a hurricane of pleasure dancing up my spine and scattering all the thoughts inside my head to the wind.

Yanking hard on his hair, I push him down against my pussy while I thrust up at the same time, pressing my wetness to his mouth as hard as I can. The pressure becomes too much for me and I simply give in, bending backwards and arching my back as a sudden moan explodes in my mouth.

“Oh, God,” I pant, letting go of his hair and tugging at the sheets under me, spasms taking over my muscles and forcing them to twitch fast and hard.

“Liked it?” he asks me earnestly, sliding his finger out of my pussy and going back up to his knees. I open my eyes to glance at him, and smile as I see my fluids dripping down his chin and making his skin glisten.

“I loved it,” I whisper, propping myself up on my elbows and reaching for him with one hand. I grab his belt and, flicking my wrist to the side, I unbuckle it. I pull his zipper down and then simply lay back, watching as he climbs down from the bed and kicks off his shoes, his pants falling down his legs. He steps out of them and, smiling while he looks at me, he hooks his thumbs on his boxer briefs and pulls them down, his thick mast springing free at once.

“Then you’ll love this.” He climbs back onto the bed, moving with cat-like movements and positioning himself between my legs again. He lies down on top of me and, with a pleasant smile still on my lips, I reach for his cock and curl my fingers around it. I angle it so that its tip is brushing over my drenched folds, and then I let go, placing both my hands on his shoulder blades and digging my fingernails deep into his skin.

“I will,” I whisper into his ear. One heartbeat after the words have rolled out from between my lips and he thrusts, his cock pushing my pussy lips aside and piercing me with one single movement. I gasp as I feel his thickness stretching me wide, that pleasant warmness inside of me turning into a supernova explosion.

I cross my legs over his lower back and reel him in, forcing him to go all the way while I lock him in place. Smiling, he places one hand under my head, supporting me, and he starts thrusting softly without taking his eyes off from mine. I look back at him as I feel his cock sliding in and out of my pussy and, for the first time, I feel my heartbeat slowing down.

My heart isn’t racing anymore. My body isn’t concerned with what’s coming, or with what happened before. Right now I’m simply drifting down the present moment, time like a river flowing around both of our bodies.

“I love you,” I say once more, finally closing my eyes and reaching for his lips with mine. We share a tender kiss, our lips locked in a tight embrace, and I let pleasure crawl up and down my body. My hands go down his back and I reach for his naked ass, digging my fingers into his cheeks as he starts thrusting harder.

Pulling back from our kiss, I throw my head back against the mattress and, still with my eyes closed shut, I let out a groan as I feel my pussy walls tightening up around his cock.

“I wish this moment could last forever,” he tells me, his body moving back and forth steadily, and I smile at his words. I never imagined I’d live to see the day where these words would find their way to Parker’s lips. Parker ‘Pleasure’ Trask, everyone calls him. But there’s more to him than a nickname, and I might be the only person to know that.

“So do I,” I tell him, the words coming out of my mouth with a hard edge. The muscles around my throat are tightening up like murderous fingers, and I feel my body turning into concrete. Then, in a fraction of a second, all that tension simply disappears, and taking its place, violent ecstasy rushes in.

“AH! GOD!” I cry out, tightening my locked legs around Parker’s waist and forcing him to stop moving, his cock buried inside my body. I remain frozen in place as happiness rushes through my veins, my mind floating over an ocean of pleasure and lust.

My hands slide up from his ass and over his back, and I move my fingers around his neck so that I can cup his face. I open my eyes and just stare at him with a smile, biting down on my lower lip as pleasure devours me from the inside out.

“What did I ever do to deserve you?” I ask him, my voice quivering as pleasure washes over me, fading away into nothingness.

“You didn’t have to do a thing… All it took was one look into your eyes and I was yours,” he replies, pushing back one stray lock of hair back over my face and showing me a tender smile.

“Is this real, Parker? Or is it a dream?” I ask, suddenly realizing that if this is all a dream, it’s one from which I don’t want to wake up from.

“This is as real as it gets, Amy…” he smiles then, the lines on his face softening up as he pulls back from me, his cock sliding out of my pussy.

“Where are you going?” I ask, following after him as he kneels on the bed. I place my hands on his chest and push him down onto the mattress, now my turn to climb on top of him. My knees are on either side of his thighs, and I’m straddling him, his cock pinned down between his body and my pussy. “I’m not done with you,” I whisper, grabbing his thick shaft and pulling it up.


bsp; Running my tongue between my lips, I lift my hips up just a few inches and then I ease myself down, once more allowing his cock to slide into me. I let it go all the way inside of me, only letting go of his shaft when I feel its tip touching that hot trigger of pleasure hiding inside my pussy.

I lean into him, my hands still on his chest, and start rocking my hips. I start slow, but each coming and going motion of my body makes the rhythm go up, and it doesn’t take long for my movements to be a dance of frenzied lust.

“You drive me crazy, you know?” he whispers, reaching for my breasts with his open hands and grabbing them. I throw my head back and chuckle, the happiness in my voice making my skin prickle.

“I know,” I merely say, moving my hips back and forth and from side to side, so fast that I feel tiny beads of sweat dripping down my back. I ride him until my body starts tensing up, and I don’t even stop when climax takes me by surprise, sneaking its way into my mind and spreading its wings all at once. I just keep on moving my body, riding him through my orgasm and surrendering to the most perfect moment of my entire life.

My pussy tightens up around his cock, slight spasms making my inner lips tremble, but I don’t stop even though tall flames of ecstasy lap at my body. I keep on moving until I feel pleasure pulsing inside of me like a beating heart, a second explosion of pleasure taking place on top of the previous one. I grit my teeth and, throwing my head back, I let out a sound that’s half a moan and half a chuckle, my voice filling the whole room at once.

“What happened to that ‘I’m not done with you’ talk?” he teases me, mimicking my voice and running one hand through my hair, his smart eyes focused on mine.

“What? Are you saying I can’t go on?” I try to act strong, but the exhaustion comes through my voice. But no matter; my body might be spent, but the hunger inside my mind isn’t sated yet. And, to be honest, I doubt that it’ll ever be.

Placing my feet on either side of his thighs, I squat over his cock and, gritting my teeth, I start jumping up and down. Instead of rolling my hips back and forth, now I allow his cock to slide in and out of my pussy by raising and lowering my hips, his cock going deeper than before.

“I… can… go… on…” I say between breaths, grabbing my own breasts and squeezing them so hard that a loud moan escapes my lips. “I don’t get tired,” I continue, working his cock so furiously I’d be worried about breaking it in half if he wasn’t so thick. As it is, he might be the one breaking me in half.

Tags: Alexis Angel Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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