100 Days - Page 426

If I don't go back to writing Cheryl will totally be mad at me. She's like sooo patient with me. Because this is literally what it's like when I write.

I'll message her on Facebook.And the transcript will look like this.

Me: Hey! What u doing?

Cheryl: I'm working on the things you asked me to do. What are you doing?

Me: I'm writing!

Cheryl: Good...

Me: But I'm sorta bored...

Cheryl: LMAO

Me: What are you gonna do after this?

Cheryl: I have a lot of work to do.

Me: O ya, can you also do (insert something I just thought of)

Cheryl: Ok...let me put it on the list

Me: Thanks! But I NEEED to write! I'm soooo behind!

Cheryl: Well, go write...

Me: You're distracting me!

Cheryl: Sorry?

Me: Okay, I'm not answering any more PM or playing in DLA or doing anything! Gonna write!!! I mean in.

Cheryl: Bye...

Ten minutes later:

Me: Hey. What u doing?

Cheryl: Sigh...

Although today I got Rock Hard Seal from Rye Hart and a FREEBIE From KB Winters!! After the jump!

Hugs and Kisses and Lots of Love,


Some Things I Won’t Do

So...ya, there are some things I just won't do.

So, I’ve gone on maybe about 2 dates with this guy from Match.com. But maybe about a week and half ago, this guy came on to me at this bar I was at with my friends and was hitting on me and I was horny so I went home with him. The whole thing is purely sexual and he’s not like my lobster at all. So I know that. But the Match.com guy miiiiight have boyfriend potential. I mean, he’s playing it slow, which is fine by me. We haven’t even really kissed yet. Just after dinner he gave me a kiss on the cheek last time and the first time we just shook hands (WTF?).

I know he’s into me, but he’s just taking his time and sometimes the dance before the actual fucking is so oh my gosh and crazy. I think it’s getting to that slow burn right now with the guy before we do it. But we really aren’t that sexual just yet. He’s mildly amusing and he has potential, but nothing where I’m about to climb on him during dinner.

So yesterday I was going out for a drink with Match but before that I really really had this urge to see Horny Bar Guy. So I went over to his apartment which was a few blocks from the bar I was meeting Match Guy at and we fooled around for a bit.

Problem is Horny Bar Guy is a slob and no way I’d ever use his toothbrush or anything. So now I have cum breath (you can guess what I did when I say I fooled around) and I’m off to meet Match Guy. And today is the day Match Guy

Tags: Alexis Angel Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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