100 Days - Page 427

wants to try and kiss me! On Date #3! When he should be trying to fuck me instead!

I’m sorry, I may write a lot of smut and I may have pretty liberal attitudes on women and sex, but one thing I do not do is kiss another guy with another guy’s cum breath – even if its been washed down with two glasses of pinot.

So I’m like uhmm no and Match Guy is like whats wrong. I couldn’t say.

So now I have to go see him after work for a drink and hoping that I can get it all sorted!

Just wanted to share with my Angels. I <3 writing to you!

Recommendation for today is from Amy Brent. It made Top 100! Yay! I’m so happy and proud for Amy baby! And if all goes well, I’m gonna read it tonight! OH, also FREEBIE!

Take care and talk to you tomorrow! <3

Hugs and Kisses and Lots of Love,



Oh, I told Match.com guy the other day what it is I do for work - which is basically be a smut queen - and he was so intimated it was crazy. Makes kinda a bit of sense though. I mean it took him 3 dates to even try and kiss me and I couldn't because I had cum breath from Arrogant Bar Guy and seeing him earlier so when we finally met for a drink I was like look I like you I think and I didn't want you to think I wasn't feeling you. So he was like oh, then why did you back away? And I was just trying to figure what to say because you can't be honest in this situation. So I was just whatever, I'm exhausted from a long day at work can we talk about something else.

So he was like, wait, what do you do anyways. And I looked him in the eye and I was like, "Match.com Guy, I write smut."

And he was all like, "What do you mean you write smut? I thought you worked in finance."

"I do work in finance," I replied. "I still do consulting a few hours a week to pay the bills, but I also write smut."

"What do you mean by you write smut?" he asked again.

So rather than tell him about you know filling holes with 12 inches of lust muscle, I opened my phone and showed him 12 Inches.

Yeah, so he hasn't called back yet. I think it's time to move on to next guy. I'm with the parental units for Easter, but Match#2 is actually in the same neighborhood for Easter and we've been texting and I might hang out with him Monday before going home Tuesday.

Oh, check out my new video trailer for Dirty Lil' Angels below! And be sure to catch the new Mona Cox - its a collaboration between Jess Bentley and me. Its basically about a girl going through life kinda like what I basically talked about above lol.

Hugs and Kisses and Lots of Love,


Parting the Red Sea

I wish I could like part the Red Sea. That was pretty cool!

We used to watch the Ten Commandments like every year when I was growing up right before Easter so yesterday it was a great thing to be able to go back and watch it with my parents. I'm talking about the Charlton Heston one.

Although, I gotta say, I get pretty pissed off when Moses goes to the mountain and everyone seems to forget in like ten minutes what they're supposed to be doing and start building the golden calf.

Also, I never realized this before but that was a real live frat party that they were having at the end when Moses comes back and gets mad at everyone.

All this meant that I basically ignored Match.com guy when he texted me wanting to talk. Whatever dude. You weren't confident with a strong woman at first, I dunno if you will be now. Oprah always said the first thing a woman says is usually what they're really feeling.

So today is simple. Easter Dinner and stuffs. I had a relaxing morning. Read some B.B. Hamel to get into the Easter spirit lol.

Although you know the problem with reading BB when you're at your parents house? There's no way to relieve the.....tension.

Although, they did replace the showerhead in the guest bathroom. It's portable now. Hmmm...

Men Are Like Onions

Tags: Alexis Angel Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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