100 Days - Page 443

So the people have spoken...

66% of you say its a total deal breaker when a guy wears women's panties.

23% say, no it's not a total deal breaker.

I mean I get where you guys are coming from in the 23%. You wanna see if there is anything that can be done - especially after the guy is so unique in how he picked me up.

So here's what I did - because maybe I was being a bit harsh. I never actually talked to Freeway about his whole 'condition' so I texted him this morning and asked him hey you want to meet up for a drink later on today. He was like sure.

Dodgeball still hasn't called me. I think that lead is dead. He seemed like a perfect catch too. No wonder nothing came out of it lol.

WineBar does nothing but call or text me. I feel like I know him so well now. Like we must text each other at least 10 times a day. If Freeway makes me mad after today's drink, I'm going to go do WineBar to get it out of my system. I needs to get laid, ladies LOL.

Bookstore. What about that guy? Well, I left you on a bit of a cliffhanger didn't I?

Well, that's a small story by itself and I need to write it out. I will have it tonight!

Hugs and kisses and lots of love!



So the people have spoken...

So the long-awaited (yeah right who was waiting, just you, huh?) story of BookStore.

So I’m turned around and looking at this hot guy. And he’s smirking at me because he’s like “the sexier stuff is the next shelf over,” and I’m thinking you’re a cheeky bastard but I smile.

So I’m like “What makes you think I want the sexier stuff?”

He gives me like a million dollar smile. “Well, you just look like you’d be into more of the sexy things in life.”

OMG. Like I’m already a puddle at his feet.

“I do?” ç (ya, that’s the best I can come up with)

“In a good way, of course.”

“Of course,” I say really adding to the conversation.

“I’m Bookstore,” he says, putting his hand out and shaking mine. I shake it and he’s got a strong grip and I don’t let go and just look him in the eyes and I wanna have like all of his babies right then and there.

“I still don’t know why you’re pointing me to the smut,” I say to him. Or at least I think. I’m so excited I sorta forget these things and I may have actually just said “Which way to the bathroom?”

“Well, you just called it smut and not porn, so I think you read it,” he says to me, acting all smart and stuff.

“I actually write it,” I say. I dunno why I instinctively said that.

“I wouldn’t doubt that at all,” he says completely unfazed. “I don’t read any but have I seen you around?”

I shake my head. “I’m in Amazon KU.”

“Oh, them,” he says and that’s when I notice he’s wearing a name tag. He works in the store. “Thought you were famous there for a second.”


I’m flustered and I see he’s smirking and I get what he just did to me. Ugh.

Tags: Alexis Angel Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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