100 Days - Page 450

Me: Do you have anything to say that’s over 1 syllable?

Bookstore: (pauses for a bit). Nah

Me: This is funny?

Then he smirks and shrugs.

I mean, am I wrong here? Am I asking for too much? This guy is totally being an asshole. I mean, I get the whole funny and cocky and be a bit of an asshole to keep the girl interested and pick her up but he was just doing this out of spite. Like some guys have refined the art of being douche-y to the point where they do it just to get under your skin.

But he wants to bring a knife to a gun fight? That’s cool. I’m bringing a mother effing tank. You think you can mess with the power of woman, dear lil’ Bookstore? Wait till you get a taste of how I fight back. So I excuse myself and go to the restroom. Where I call WineBar.

“Hello?” he answers.

“Can you speak in more than one syllable?” I ask.

“Of course I can. And I don’t wear women’s panties. What’s with all these strange questions?” he asks me.

That’s a lot of syllables. And he doesn’t wear women’s panties. This is like the perfect guy now apparently.

“Meet me at the Westin St. Francis,” I tell him. “I’m gonna rock your world.”

Of course, I also texted him that he should get the hotel room unless he wanted me to get it, but I figured since I was the one giving him the cookie, he should pay for the jar, ya know? I managed to keep the convo going one sided with Bookstore, and I promise I really did give him more chances. I was ready to cancel on WineBar at any point after I got back from the restroom if I got ONE indication this guy cared and wasn’t just going through the motions of being an asshole. But no.


When WineBar texted that he was in the lobby checking in, I looked at Bookstore.

“I don’t think this is gonna work out between us, Bookstore,” I said at the end. “And I gotta go” I told him.

“Where?” he asked. That’s when WineBar came into the bar.

I just shrugged and smiled.

“Bye” I said.

And went over to kiss WineBar. And we went to the elevator.

Revenge was sweet. And orgasmic.

Hugs and kisses and lots of love!


Mixed Emotions

So, yeah, there is most def some mixed emotions about what happened to Bookstore.

So here are some reactions that people have expressed:

From Heather: “YESSSSS!!!! that is epic!!! it's like, after an argument you think of a million things you should have said and didn't and feel stupid they won and got the upper hand. BUT GIRL YOU ROCKED IT!!!!

maybe Bookstore will think twice about messing with the next girls head - or better yet, he won't be able to forget you because your the one who finally didn't take his shit.”

From Melanie: “Sorry, but they way it sounded, you came on with a full frontal attack, bombarding him with attitude, and not really giving him a true chance to respond without feeling like you were actually going to listen to him. Maybe he originally sent the flowers and then thought, damn! Is it too much too soon, will she freak out? So when you figured out he did send the flowers he didn't want to seem too forward so said the "casual" word.”

From Mari: “That was totally awesome. Bye bookstore.”

From Fran: “That would drive me freakin nuts having monosyllabic responses from the guy. Good move to ditch Bookstore. Hopefully WineBar rocked your world right back! ??”

Tags: Alexis Angel Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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