100 Days - Page 451

You can read what happened to Bookstore here!

Ya. So, pop quiz of the day. $25 Amazon gift card goes out to a random person who can tell me what the first MFM menage I wrote was, and the title. We’re talking all pen names, ladies.

Speaking of menage, that would be totally amazing if I could be shared right about now.

Because you wanna know something that I didn’t tell about that night? Well, Bookstore got left in the cold, but like Melanie said, I had this awful worry. Like what if he had actually apologized. Would I have had to cancel on WineBar? I mean, a part of me knew I wouldn’t because I knew deep down that Bookstore wasn’t gonna change his attitude – you just had to be there.

But, also, if WineBar is bailing me out and doing me, I mean, what am I waiting for? Well, I mean that night, after we went upstairs, we messed around a lot. We got drunk together off the minibar. We fooled around. But that evening…too many scotches…yeah, he did the guy thing when they drink too much. I mean, he made up for it in the morning. And that night he totally used his fingers and mouth. And it was good…don’t get me wrong. But it wasn’t life altering.

At what point do you start to compromise on the sex to get the happiness?

And if the guy is so-so sex, but he’s bailed me out, what do I do when something like yesterday happens. What happened yesterday?

Well, Dodgeball ended up calling me. Seriously. Like it took him forever and a day. I’ve heard of the three day rule, but this? This is just basically me not picking up the phone. I gotta figure out if I should call him back.

Maybe I can call him and ask him to come share me with WineBar and Bookstore. Like the three of them could go to town on me. Like Vivian Ward’s book. MFMM is pretty hot. That’s my recommendation today because I’m horny and I want three guys to do me. Even if one of them never calls me (Dodgeball), the other has attitude (Bookstore), one is clingy (WineBar) and one wears thigh highs (Freeway).

God, is this what dating has become nowadays?

Hugs and kisses and lots of love!


Guess Who Called?

Dodgeball called!

That’s right. The guy who never freakin’ called after hitting me in the head with a red rubber ball and getting my phone number called me the other day as I was fretting about whether I did the right thing with Bookstore or not.

The only problem?

I was at lunch with WineBar. So I didn’t answer – I mean, I think a lot of the 20,000 people on this list are slowly heading towards #TeamWineBar after all the times he’s bailed me out, so I’m def staring to also kinda give him more special privileges than normal guys. And those things include for instance like not talking to other guys who wanna bang me when I’m having lunch with him. I mean, it’s the least I can do to in my mind. Just kinda seems disrespectful, ya know?

“So why did you ask me if I wear thongs or stockings the other day?” WineBar asks me for like the 10th time and I don’t answer. How do I even begin that story? Instead I flirt and it’s easy to flirt at lunch because we were eating gourmet hot dogs so you know, like it’s not that hard…haha. If you’re having trouble imagining what I could do to distract the convo, I dunno man, you really need to read more of my books lol.

But eventually I go home and no more WineBar and before I sit down to write, I decide to give Dodgeball a call.

OMG. He’s everything OysterGirl (my BFF who told me all about him) described him as. Smooth. Calm. Collected. Polished. Totally white collar. Used to work in finance. Moved to the Bay Area and works for a venture capitalist firm now. Drives a Tesla. Lives in Pacific Heights.

Uhm, too bad there’s no way to hand over my panties over the phone.

But….he like waited like three weeks to call me. You all remember the three day rule? This guy has like the 21 day rule or something crazy. It was kinda mean. I told him I’d think it over.

What do you guys think? Lemme know! I’ll share the results tomorrow morning!

I told Dodgeball I'd get back to him, but should I go out

with him after he took so long to call??



Don't know who Dodgeball is

I want the whole backstory as a book

Hugs and kisses and lots of love!

Tags: Alexis Angel Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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