100 Days - Page 453


Gonna Go Hang Out For a BBQ

So I'm just gonna go meet some of WineBar's friends

And then when I come back I'll tell you wh

at happened to me two days ago when I went for a run.

How I met another guy, so there might be 3 guys in the rotation.

But I'm not gonna tell you his name yet because I'm still living in the delicious moments that you feel after meeting a guy.

Besides, we should all be focused on WineBar right now, because it's his barbecue that I'm going to. I'm taking a bottle of Grey Goose lol.

But the weirdest thing. I mean I was gonna talk about Jogger (dammit I gave up the name) on today's NL but then earlier today WineBar called.

"Hey," he said.

"Hiiiiii," I replied back, and since it was just me in my kitchen talking to him I sorta touched myself because I was thinking of like all the dirty things he did to me last time ya know?

"Just gotta ask if you're gonna be coming today?" he asked me.

"Yup. Around 5 pm, right?" I replied back. No way I was gonna miss this barbecue.

"Yeah, hey listen, what are you gonna be wearing?" he asked me.

"Why?" I asked back. "What's wrong?"


"Well, are you gonna wear anything really sexy?" he asked me. "Just because there's gonna be like kids and shit there."

Oh my God. So now I dress too sexy for kids?

"Excuse me?" I asked.

"Well, my brother is gonna be there too," he says to me.

Okay. I can understand that. Like if he has family that might show up he doesn't want me to look like a ho.

But like, some warning here? I was gonna wear short shorts and a t-shirt FYI, but after listening to him go off on how his brother is going to divinity school I'm thinking sundress?

Gotta be honest. Sorta weirded out by the whole convo. What do you guys think?

Let me know what you think about WineBar and the sexy clothes comment and am I reading too much into it? I'll let you know how it goes anyways.

Hugs and kisses and lots of love!





What did I do last night?

Tags: Alexis Angel Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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