100 Days - Page 472

What is wrong with me?? I know what you guys said. This is the same guy you guys are reminding me who didn't check up on me when I was like so drunk after his barbecue. This is the guy who's really clingy and possessive.

But I can't help it. I'm really tired after the museum with my mom so I'm gonna wake up tomorrow and call WineBar. I'm gonna FaceTime him and tell him I need to talk to him. And I'm gonna make it clear (without words ;) exactly what it's about.

I'm a woman on a mission.

I feel kinda relieved actually. Like I've settled on a decision. Boom!

Hugs and kisses and lots of love,



I did it!

I called WineBar this morning. I FaceTimed him.

His beautiful face came on screen. He was getting out of bed and he walked to the living room, talking to me.

“I wanted to see you,” I ended up saying.

“What’s up?” he asked me, his face smiling as he sees me.

“I think we need to talk when I get back to San Francisco,” I said, and took a deep breath. “About us.”

“I’d like that too,” he said and I smiled.

Yeah. All that happened. In Happily Ever After Land.

What actually happened is I got all dolled up and called him. And he didn’t answer. So I tried again. No answer.

Two hours later, got a text asking if everything was okay.

I said to call me when he got a chance. His answer?

Today is kinda busy.

So what do I say?

How about tomorrow?

And what does he reply?

Well, can he just talk to me when I get back next week?

The suspicious part of my brain is starting to swirl. 1) Is he with someone? 2) Why doesn’t he want to see me? 3) Am I making a mistake? 4) Is he with someone?

Love is blind, they say. Well, I’m gonna bitch slap that way till she gets her sight back because I NEED to see what’s going on with WineBar! Pronto!

Hugs and kisses and lots of love,


WorkMom Is Back

Awww...WorkMom Is Back!

So Tia Siren, my work-mom just released her new book today! That means its time for another exclusive behind the scene peek at the lives of authors and the convo’s that they have!

Tags: Alexis Angel Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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