First Comes Love - Page 108

I missed the first big deal by coming late. I was so distracted by my dick, Anderson ended up snatching the deal instead. And even after two hours in the gym, I couldn’t get control of my cock.

I raced back in to work to finish off two contracts, then ran my ass around after smaller ones trying to save something out of this hot mess.

But it was not to be. Now, I’m walking home because I couldn’t get a cab. And it’s starting to rain.

My body feels tight—too much tension in my muscles. Maybe I’ll go out for a massage or something. I could use someone rubbing me down in oil.

All I’m thinking about, as I slam into the foyer, is getting in and getting my clothes off. Hot shower, something to eat, maybe drink.

Then, if I’m still tense, I’ll have to do something about it.

But then I see someone moving in the shadows by the stairs. I jump and drop my briefcase.

It’s…Allana. What the fuck?

“Hey, Derek.”

Her lips are as red as the poppies on her dress. Her eyes are dark and still. She eats me up with those eyes.

I’ve had too hard of a day. I can’t even formulate a response.

She steps closer, eyes flickering with uncertainty.

“Are you okay?” she asks.

Something about her gaze feels…penetrating.

Shit. Fuck. Don’t think about penetration.

…Too late.

Fuck. There goes my cock again. I can’t fucking take this.

“You startled me.” I reach for my briefcase. “Sorry.”

“Don’t be sorry.”

She takes slow, lingering steps towards me. Her heels click lightly on the floor as she gets right in front of me.

Fuck, she’s tall. Eyes level with mine. Maybe taller in the heels.

She smells sweet. Like honey and strawberries. There’s chocolate on her breath.

Oh, shit. She was talking, and I haven’t heard a single word.

Out of the corner of my eye, I notice her waving a magazine.

She wants me to look at her pics? Here?

Is this the worst day of my life?

I see a glint in her eye as she leans towards me.

“Allana,” I began.


I drop the briefcase, step forward, grab her shoulders, and kiss her. Just like that.

Tags: Alexis Angel Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024