First Comes Love - Page 301

I don’t know about that. But I do know that if Lola Anders wants me to do a job and it involves Carter, I’m all over that shit like white on rice.

I keep my face blank as I say, “What does this job entail?”

“Please, have a seat, Ashley,” Lola says, gesturing at a chair in front of her desk. I’m sure it’s a power move. She doesn’t want anyone standing above her, looking down on her. What the fuck ever. I sit, ready to hear what she has to say.

“I need to hire you,” Lola says, and I don’t miss the use of her word need. That’s right. I’m the best in the business, and she knows it. “I need you to seduce him. I need you to be the one to take down the indomitable Carter Blaine.”

My heart rate kicks up. Holy shit, he is her target. I want to ask why, but I don’t always get the detail for my jobs. In this case, I think I might be content to just have the chance to fuck him.

“When I say seduce,” Lola continues. “I mean a full-on attack. I need you to get him to stick his dick inside your pussy. None of this oral and anal nonsense that he manages to get away with week after week. I want him to fuck you. There can be no margin for error. When you’re done with him, there can be no doubt that he’s no longer a virgin.”

My breath hitches. Her words are putting all kinds of images in my mind that make me so fucking hot I don’t know if even my best vibrator will do the trick tonight. I want everything she’s saying. How is this even real? It’s like the best job offer ever.

I still haven’t said anything, so she must take my silence as indecision—though how she can overlook how turned on I am is a mystery because she jumps in again with, “I’ll pay you a bonus of two hundred million dollars if you can do this. You have ten episodes. Ten weeks. I don’t care if it’s you or one of your girls as long as you get the job done before the end of the season. Do you accept?”

Holy motherfucking shit. Two hundred million and Carter’s gloriously giant cock inside of me. Fuck yes, I accept!

While inside I’m going crazy, on the outside I give Lola a calm smile.

“Yes. I accept your challenge.”


I walk down the crowded Manhattan street, not caring that people are pointing and staring, pulling out their phones and snapping pictures. I’m used to it. Besides, I have too much else on my mind to spend the energy giving a fuck.

With my phone pressed to my ear, I listen as Chase tells me the latest development. The network seems determined to find a way out of the contract bonus.

“They’re exercising their right to film continuously when you’re with women,” Chase says. “They think that maybe you’re looking for a way to get away with fucking behind their backs. That you aren’t actually a virgin. They want to catch you so they don’t have to pay up.”

“That’s bullshit,” I growl into the phone. I take pride in my reputation. I mean, some people might think it’s ridiculous to be a twenty-six-year-old virgin, especially when you’re a fucking hot alpha male like me. But I’m the goddamn Head Hunter. I get head and get paid for it. I’m not about to fuck that shit up. Plus, I do hav

e integrity. I’m not going to lie about it and fuck around behind the network’s back.

“I know,” Chase sighs. “Don’t they realize that if you’ve been up to something the paparazzi would've been all over it by now?”

That’s the truth. Can’t go anywhere without some fucking pap hiding in the bushes.

“Whatever,” I say, shaking it off. “They don’t believe me? Fine. Stick the cameras on me all they want. They’ll see. Do you have the filming schedule?”

I tap on my phone and pull up my calendar to start inputting the dates, but all Chase knows is that the next ten contestants have been lined up and they’ll be presented to me. Starting today, apparently.

Ending the call with Chase, I call Lola. She’ll have the details I want.

“Carter,” she says, her voice saccharine sweet, not at all like the end of our last conversation.

I smirk. “You ready to admit you want some of this, Lola?”

She laughs, but it sounds forced. “You really are doing yourself a disservice. You could have anything from any woman you want.” She heaves an elaborate sigh through the phone. “Instead you settle for getting head.”

I bust out laughing. “I wouldn’t call it settling. Not by a long shot.”

“You’re missing out, Carter,” she says. “You have no idea. It'll change your life.”

I sigh, tiring of this same conversation. “Lola, I just called to get the filming schedule. I’ve been in the city for a week and I still don’t know when we’re starting. When is the next episode?”

I hear nails clicking a keyboard on the other end of the line and assume she’s pulling up the information on her computer.

“Okay, we have ten new girls lined up for you. One for each episode. They’ll be presented to you. We’ve arranged everything. You’ll know when you see them. I’m assuming Chase told you about the continuous filming?”

Tags: Alexis Angel Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024