First Comes Love - Page 302

I want to bite out some snide remark, but I’m so over Lola right now.

“Yeah, he did.”

“Good. With the season coming to a close, more people are watching the live stream. They want to see everything that happens.”

They. I know she doesn’t mean the viewers, even though that’s what she wants me to think.

“Fine. So when is the first one lined up?” I realize she isn’t going to tell me much because she’s hoping to catch me off guard. The filming schedule doesn’t usually work like this with me not knowing when and where I’m meeting the girls. But she has to give me something.

“Today. Get ready, Carter, you’re—”

Suddenly, someone walks right in front of me on the sidewalk and the phone is plucked right out of my hand. I turn, angry, my eyebrows drawing together. “What the fuck?”

Then I stop. A sexy brunette is standing there, a hand on her hip, my phone dangling from her manicured fingers as she gives me a sultry smile. Her eyes glitter and she looks like she knows exactly what she’s about.

A smile spreads across my face. Guess Lola was right. I'll know when I see them. Because this girl has “take Carter’s virginity” written all over her sassy little face. But that’s fine. I’m the pro here. She can try whatever game she thinks she has. I still won’t give in. And by the end of the night I can guarantee this girl’s mouth will be wrapped around my cock and she’ll be begging me to cum down her throat.

“Carter Blaine,” she says, her tongue darting out to wet her lips. “Get ready. Your life is about to change. Right. Now.”

Well, okay then. This one looks determined. Most of them are usually falling all over themselves to get my attention. She seems to know what she’s about. This might just be interesting.

But I still won’t fuck her. No chance in hell am I giving up two billion dollars.


I tuck my bare feet under me and sit back in my luxurious leather chair in my home office, reading over the dossier Lola Anders provided on Carter Blaine. It has everything I might ever want to know about him. I have to admit, I’m secretly impressed at what I’ve discovered.

He’s not like the usual slime balls I’m hired to seduce and take down. He actually seems like a decent guy. He shouldn’t. I mean, he’s a total man-whore. He has a new woman sucking his cock on national television every single week. A guy like that should be an utter douche, right? But from what I can tell, he doesn’t seem all that bad. He’s definitely sexy as hell. Quite the catch.

I pull out a few of the large photos Lola included in the file. That sculpted jaw with just the right amount of dark stubble. Yum. I run my fingers over the photo, wondering how it would feel to actually touch that gorgeous face myself. His cocky smile and piercing eyes seem as if they’re looking right at me.

My stomach does a little roll, and I wonder if I made the right decision by sending in Lorraine to do the job instead of myself. God knows I’d love to be the first one to have Carter Blaine’s cock inside me. I’ve seen it. I may have watched the adult-only live stream on the Internet a time or two. Maybe three or four. But who’s counting?

Yeah, I’m seriously doubting myself right now. Tonight is the filming of the first episode Lola hired me for. I could be with him right now. And after reading more and learning that there’s a bit more to him than the public persona most of the world sees, I really want to meet him.

But after the meeting with Lola, I decided I should send in some of my girls first. My reaction was way too intense. Just like it is now. The idea of fucking Carter has me so horny. And I haven’t even met the dude! I can only imagine what it would be like to be with him in person. No wonder he gets every single girl to suck his cock week after week. I have to admit, I’d probably do it if I weren’t hired to get this job done.

That’s why Lorraine has to be the one to go first. She’s the best seducer I have. She can do this. I need the two hundred million more than I need to fuck Carter. That’s what I keep telling myself, anyway.

My computer dings with a notification, and I lean forward to read it. Lorraine met Carter out on the street two days ago, just as we arranged. It was perfect. He was totally intrigued, according to Lorraine. And now they’re headed to Carter’s place.

Game on.

I sign in to the live stream, ready to see how this will go down. I’m pretty confident this might be the end of the infamous Carter Blaine’s reputation as the oldest alpha male virgin in the world. Trying to ignore the twinge of jealousy that takes me by surprise when I watch them enter his apartment, I focus on what’s important here. Getting my agency’s job done.

As soon as they’re inside the apartment, Carter pushes her against the door and kisses her. Damn, he’s totally taking charge. Come on, Lorraine. You’ve got this. Hopefully she gets my silent encouragement because at the moment she looks dangerously similar to all the other women I’ve seen with Carter: ready to give him anything he wants.

“Dammit,” I mutter. “Don’t do this, Lorraine.”

She seems to get herself slightly under control. No easy feat, I’m sure. Not with the way he’s looking at her with those blue eyes. And especially not with the way his hands are all over her body.

I lean closer to the screen as Lorraine says, “I’m so wet for you right now, Carter. I need you inside of me. I’m going to die if you don’t fill me up with that gorgeous thick cock.”

I snort in laughter. That’s a classic Lorraine line. And according to her, the guys always go for it. She’s certainly going to be pulling out all the stops tonight, using every weapon in her seduction arsenal to get this guy to give in.

Carter steps back from her, his eyes taking her in, blazing with straight up cocky lust that I can see even through the screen. His stare is so potent, so seductive, that even I feel it. My panties are soaked just from watching. No wonder this is the highest rated show on TV.

He slowly unbuttons his shirt, then moves his hands to his belt, unbuckling it quickly. Fuck yes. I feel a little thrill race through me, and I’m honestly not sure if it’s because I’m about to see Carter’s cock or because he’s obviously ensnared by Lorraine and wants to fuck her.

Tags: Alexis Angel Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024