First Comes Love - Page 449

“You ok, love?” He asks me, cutting through all this web of contradicting thoughts that float inside my head.

“Yes... I'm alright now. Thanks to you, Derrick,” I say, my eyes locked on his, a strange tension brewing in the air between us. Before I know it, my eyes are wandering to the perfect shape of his mouth and to his full lips... My heart is racing inside my chest, and I can feel all rationality inside of me becoming numb.

The job, Alicia, think of the job, I try and tell myself. But I can't do what I'm asking of myself. I can't keep a clear head and pretend that I can resist him... Because I can't, to think otherwise would be just a lie.

“Don't thank me,” he takes one step towards me, brushing the tip of his long fingers against my cheek. “You will never have to thank me for anything, Daphne.”

Just like that, I know there's no possible escape. His warmness on my skin, the mixture of adrenaline and lust that runs through my veins... I'm tired of pretending I don't want him. I'm tired of acting as if I can resist my true feelings and desires.

I take one step towards him, our bodies just inches away, and I finally accept it – I want him. I want him bad. And I will surrender to this.

I grab the hand he has on my face, my fingers locking on his, and my lips curl into a smile. I look at him, losing myself in his eyes.

Maybe there's a reason life put me in front of Derrick after so many years apart... And, for better or worse, I'm going to find out what it is.

He leans into me and I close my eyes, surrendering to his kiss. His lips part and, in an instant, we are lost in a frenzied kiss, our tongues dancing in circles around each other.

Oh my God!

I’m so wet I’m surprised my juices aren’t dripping down my legs. It feels good to surrender; it feels good to accept what I want to do. Just look at him! He’s perfection incarnate! My fingers act by instinct and, grabbing the collar of his shirt, I tug on it and make all the buttons down to his waist pop one after the other. He throws the shirt to the floor and, as he does it, I stop our kiss and fall to my knees as if my legs suddenly became week. I just can’t take this anymore - I need to feel his hard and thick cock, and I need it fast. And by fast I mean now.

I don’t even care about my job right now. With all this adrenaline still rushing through me, it’s hard to care about anything else besides his perfect thick muscles.

He’s controlling even in his kissing, slowing the pace and speeding up at will, just to let me know he’s in control. His hand is in the nape of my neck, positioning my head so that he can take my mouth passionately. His tongue is experienced, and I’m soaking wet already. He takes these pauses, where he bites my lip, pulling it between his perfectly straight teeth, and then he pulls that handsome face and just looks at me. Each time I stare breathless, waiting for him to say something, but he never does. Once he squinted and I wondered if he was realizing who I really was, that it’s me Alicia, but he just pulled me in again and slid his tongue against mine.

“You don’t have to do anything, Daphne,” he says to me and I have a sinking feeling to just tell him the truth, all of it.

“What do you mean?” I ask instead.

“You don’t owe me for beating up your wanker boyfriend,” he explains.

“Oh, no… I know that,” I assure him, a little taken aback that he would even care why I finally gave in to his seduction. He’s obviously wanted to fuck me since we met, why is he acting like it matters why I choose to sleep with him.

“This is probably his worst fear, someone else getting what used to be his,” he smirks while pulling me towards him.

“He’s never had me,” the words fall out of my mouth. If I’m not going to tell him the whole truth, I can at least tell him parts of who I really am.

“You’ve never been with him?” He asks confused and I shake my head.

“I’ve never been with anyone,” I clarify, fearing his reaction. Guys like Derrick don’t want a virgin. They want someone with experience who they can trust not to get all caught up, thinking its love. I know, he’s admitted that he was in love with me, but he doesn’t know I’m me. You know what I mean, don’t look at me like that.

“Are you serious?” He drops his hand from my neck and takes a step back, his eyes wide in shock, possibly horror. He tilts his head to look at me closely as if he’s inspecting something and I look on in anticipation.

“If you don’t want to --,” I start but his tongue is in my mouth before I can get the words out. If his kisses were a sensual passionate before, these are a desperate passion. He is kissing me like his life depends on it, like the key to his heart’s desires are locked within me. When he finally releases me I’m panting and I can feel my lips are swollen.

“You would give me that?” He asks and my heart flutters again. He considers me to be such a prize. No one has ever made me feel as special as he does.

“Yes,” I answer without hesitation.

“Seriously?” He asks and I nod my response.

“Say it,” he commands.

“Yes, Derrick. I want you to have my virginity,” I smirk but he looks on with complete sincerity as his blue eyes sparkle looking down at me.

“Come here,” he says softly and I walk into his grasp before feeling his strong hands on my ass, lifting me up. I wrap my legs around his waist as he buries his hands into my hair, our lips find each other again. I’m so lost in our embrace I barely notice we’re moving as he walks through the expansive condo, carrying me like I weigh nothing.

His condo seems even larger since I’m eager to get to his bedroom. The moment I pull back from his kiss, his mouth drops to my neck, kissing and licking me before grazing my skin with his teeth. It feels incredible and I moan a little, tilting my pelvis towards him.

Tags: Alexis Angel Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024