Cindersmellya - Page 368

Number of calories over/under for the last 7 days (out of a 2,000 calorie diet how many calories am I over or under): 2,955

Glasses of wine drunk in last 7 days: 16

Potential guys: Freeway (maybe), WineBar

Dud Guys: ComputerChip

Any new fun purchase: used my Sephora giftcard! Planning on hitting up the La Perla this weekend <3 <3 Maybe I’ll take WineBar ;) Or who knows, maybe Freeway.

Hugs and Kisses and Lots of Love,

Alexis Angel

Good Karma

I called Freeway. And Dark Angel hit Top 100! Good karma!

So I called him yesterday. In the morning-ish. Like an hour after I woke up, so that’s around 11.

Anyways, I didn’t tell my Naughty Angels I was even talking to him and I’m in a group chat with them. I also had ARC to do. So he’s like, meet me on Friday.

Bourbon & Branch is actually a nice lil’ speakeasy and I was like okay. So I guess I got a date for Friday.

But then guess who texts?

ComputerChip. Sorry. Ignore that one.

But then guess who texts.

WineBar. He’s really casual, basically just, hey you wanna come over to the Wine Bar Friday? I’m working and you can bring your friends and I’ll hook you guys up with some new bottles we got in and we can hang out afterwards.

Which is code for sex, right?

So, I dunno if I’m gonna sleep with Freeway right after a few drinks at Bourbon & Branch on the first time I meet him. I try not to be like slutty on a first date – that’s what 3rd dates are for.

But I haven’t gotten laid in a few days. So do I sacrifice potentially opening up a new avenue of sex? I mean, I asked WineBar what he was doing this Saturday and apparently he’s heading to Vegas for a bachelor party Saturday afternoon and back Monday afternoon. And after this weekend I’m back at work at both day job and writing so this Friday to Sunday is my only get-sex window.

Decisions, decisions Oh no!


Yay! The week is done! Time to play!

So, yes, I am gonna go see Freeway. I told WineBar that I had plans for tonight. He asked what they were. I told him that I had to keep some mystery. I dunno, I think he was a bit miffed when I didn’t tell him. I mean, he kept asking when we were talking on the phone. Like even when I thought we had moved on, he came back to the topic. I was like come on dude, just drop it.

I mean, do you see me getting all bent out of shape if he’s at the bar and working and some girls starts hitting on him? Hell, I don’t know if he’s slept with someone since he and I did our thing. Do I wonder? Sure, like late at night as I’m lying there thinking about my life I think about him if I’m not thinking about someone else and I’ll think about when we had sex and whether I could love him and what kinda dad he’s gonna be like and I wonder what he did after I left the next coupla days and if he has any other booty call he calls up.

I mean, the guy is cute so I’m guessing young in the city he’s probably banging at least 3 other chicks, ya know? But do you see me worry? I mean, I don’t like it. But I don’t own him. Not yet at least. We’re not exclusive. We’re not dating even. We’re just getting to know each other. So I don’t really bring it up.

But he kept going oh are you going out with your girlfriends? I’m like enough. I’m hanging out with a friend. And he’s like who. I’m just whatevs.

Compare this to Freeway and I’m texting him like hey I’ll meet you here at this time and I’ll be wearing this and I have no food allergies and I’ll give you status updates, okay? And he is all like “Cool”.

Like one word. To my entire paragraph. Ugh. Freeway should talk more. WineBar should talk less.

Can’t catch a break. Wish I could have both at the same time.

So I got another hour or so before I go shower and do my hair and get dressed and stuff so I’m gonna pick up this book from Michelle Love. Two guys is just what I need right now lol.

Tags: Alexis Angel Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024