Cindersmellya - Page 369

Anyways, I’ll be online through my phone tonight most likely to seem cool and not give Freeway like my undivided attention so he doesn’t think I like him a lot or anything. So if you see me, say hi.

Hugs and Kisses and Lots of Love,

Alexis Angel

Dating Two

I'm dating two guys at once!! :o

Finally, I’m getting my groove back! After breaking up with FuckFace and being single for several months, I’m finally getting back in the swing of things.

So, yes, that means drinks and tapas with Freeway went amazing! Like Bourbon and Branch and then we did Harry Denton’s Starlight Room on top of the Sir Francis Drake Hotel. We had some tapas downstairs at Scala’s too.

It was really amazing. Like it’s been a long time since I went on a date where you know, I dressed up and did my hair and waxed and shaved and tweaked and did myself up. And I know I did like dates earlier and met up ppl through like Match but this was like classy, ya know? Like Freeway took care of EVERYTHING. Like opened the door for me and made me feel like a lady too.

But like he was teasing me 100% of the time. I seriously don't know if he likes me or he’s just liking making fun of me. Not like making fun of me in a mean way, but like definitely making fun of me.

But lets see, what else. Chemistry? Totally there. I can’t wait to fuck him. He’s got a nice body and awesome smile and great face and I think he’s packing a nice cock too. And he’s into me. Caught him staring at my ass a few times when I walked to go to the bathroom. It helped that I had like enough to drink that I was swaying my hips.

Also! He didn’t hesitate to kiss me. But that’s as far as he went. So he wasn’t like you know shy or whatnot like that guy last week, MATCH, but he wasn’t all grabby either.

It was like a nice, long, sexy kiss and honestly afterwards I was like I wouldn’t mind

fucking him right now. But he was all about dropping me off and talking to me later. I bet you that’s his game. He’s making me want more.

But where does that leave WineBar? Well, he’s in Vegas for bachelor party so its just me and the moon and San Francisco tonight. I’m gonna go to dinner with my girls and tell them basically what I told you guys and see what they have to say. Then tomorrow I’m going shopping with my mom who is in town and then spa and then sit back to work in the evening and the week starts again so I dunno, I think before I see FREEWAY again I should see WineBar.

Also, I didn’t find anything bad on women savers on FREEWAY or WineBar so I really gotta sit and decide how long I wanna keep being a player.

Hugs and Kisses and Lots of Love,

Alexis Angel


Welcome to Smexy Sunday!

Yeah, it’s a new thing. I’m trying something new for people who I email. So the way it will work is I’ll do something sexy sexy for Sundays. And then don’t worry, I have so many things to tell you I’ll probably be back in the evening because I forgot something.

Anyways, I wanted to share the first chapter of DILF with you guys. It’s all the way at the bottom, after the freebie from MT Stone – who by the way has a sexy as fuck cover.

It’s really surprising to me every day that all these famous authors even talk to me. Like yesterday Amanda Heartley was like hey hun, here’s my new release if you wanna check it out and I was like omg of course. You have to understand I like go into fangirl mode every day as I sit down to work. It’s literally like this:

Amanda Heartley: Hey hun

Alexis Angel: OMG!

Amanda: What? What?

Alexis: Nothing, just I’m so excited to be talking to you.

Amanda: We spoke yesterday…

Alexis: I know and then I spend half the night reading your book after I got back from going out with my girlfriends

Amanda: Oh, how was that?

Alexis: Really, you wanna know?

Tags: Alexis Angel Erotic
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