Cindersmellya - Page 376

Not a lot happening today - so I am gonna take at least 2 hours to kick back and relax.

Hugs and Kisses and Lots of Love,

Alexis Angel


It's raining men! Hallelujah! ;)

So when God closes a takes away a guy, he usually adds another to the lineup!

It’s true. Wait till you hear my story from yesterday evening. You will be like ohmygod! There is so totally such a thing as good karma.

I mean, it starts out pretty sad - with a phone convo between me and Freeway where I basically tell him that I can't deal with his desire

to feel sexy by having to wear women's underwear and him telling me that's a part of who he is and he can't change for me so I should go be happy with someone more boring. Shrug. Meh. Whatevs. Imagine if we were married and I was all like "Honey! I can't find my pink thong! Are you wearing it?"


Anyway, so that convo happened and I went to Starbucks at Barnes & Noble to write. And then something happened...

But I’m not gonna tell you now. Uh uh. Am I teasing you? Sure. Is it fun? Well, for me at least ;)

To all the people who were all like oh why don’t you do more stuff that you do for your Facebook peeps, well I tease them mercilessly too ;)

Till later - I am gonna go squeeee and think about this guy. I'll give you a hint. BookStore is his name that I'm introducing him as.

Anyways, babes!


Hugs and kisses and lots of love!


Bookstore #2

Yes! Here is the second part of the story!

So where was I? Right. I was at the Starbucks at the Barnes & Noble and I had just got off the phone with Freeway. I mean, he was cute and all, but I already told you what our convo was in the last couple NLs and I don’t wanna think about this anymore and don’t wanna think about him either. Weirdo.

Anyways, so I was there to write because I’m writing Mergers & Acquisitions with Lana Angel but the convo got me all depressed because like I mean how are you gonna write a love story when you’re breaking up with potential husbands you know?

Like I sometimes wonder if my readers are gonna stop reading my books because I have such a lousy love life. Like I get laid plenty – getting laid isn’t a problem, for girls its just doing your hair and wearing a short skirt or something cute and boom. But it’s finding love that’s the problem. Like a guy to stay with you when it’s raining because you don’t wanna go outside but he will to go get your favorite eggrolls from the Chinese place and will also pick you up cookie dough and chocolate chips so you can bake at home because hello, its raining! And to sit and cuddle with you as you watch Girls and pretend that he’s not rolling his eyes. Or to go with you to Whole Foods and not get pissed when you’re like stop checking your phone. Or to like have sex with you in dressing rooms when you decide to reward him for going with you to Whole Foods. Like that kinda guy. It’s hard to find.

So anyways I sigh to myself and I’m like if I write in this condition then this novel is going to be so depressing. Lemme go see what they got all on the shelves.

So I go start to see what there is and I don’t know how but I end up in the romance section. I’m looking through, trying to find the smut, when I hear someone tell me, “They got the good stuff next shelf.”

I look over and there is this guy standing there. He’s got a coffee and he’s in just regular jeans and a white shirt but OMG. He’s so CUTE. Like I can make out his muscles through this shirt he’s wearing.

He’s defo hotter than Freeway. And WineBar. And Dodgeball. Who’s Dodgeball? That’s how hot.

I’ll finish the rest later.

Hugs and kisses and lots of love!


Tags: Alexis Angel Erotic
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