Cindersmellya - Page 406

Till then I'm not gonna tell him anything. Until I see him on July 7.

Good plan?

Yes! Spring it on him in a memorable way!

Call him and tell him now!

No! Don't settle for WineBar!!

You don't deserve WineBar!

Not that I'm in love with anyone. Baby steps. Sheesh.

Hugs and kisses and lots of love,


WineBar Babies….

I got winebar babies on the brain...

I went to the museum this afternoon with my Mom and I swear to God all I kept thinking about was WineBar and what it would be like having his babies.

Like I swear to you maybe it was the art or something. Maybe it was the eggs I had for breakfast? Or the apples? I dunno. But I mean we were looking at some sculptures and I was like omg what would it feel like if WineBar got me pregnant (like non-surprise pregnant) and we had to go shopping for baby stuff and a nursery?

What is wrong with me?? I know what you guys said. This is the same guy you guys are reminding me who didn't check up on me when I was like so drunk after his barbecue. This is the guy who's really clingy and possessive.

But I can't help it. I'm really tired after the museum with my mom so I'm gonna wake up tomorrow and call WineBar. I'm gonna FaceTime him and tell him I need to talk to him. And I'm gonna make it clear (without words ;) exactly what it's about.

I'm a woman on a mission.

I feel kinda relieved actually. Like I've settled on a decision. Boom!

Hugs and kisses and lots of love,



I did it!

I called WineBar this morning. I FaceTimed him.

His beautiful face came on screen. He was getting out of bed and he walked to the living room, talking to me.

“I wanted to see you,” I ended up saying.

“What’s up?” he asked me, his face smiling as he sees me.

“I think we need to talk when I get back to San Francisco,” I said, and took a deep breath. “About us.”

“I’d like that too,” he said and I smiled.

Yeah. All that happened. In Happily Ever After Land.

What actually happened is I got all dolled up and called him. And he didn’t answer. So I tried again. No answer.

Two hours later, got a text asking if everything was okay.

Tags: Alexis Angel Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024