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Tainted (Oh Captain, My Captain 7)

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“No. No way in hell are you taking me home. I’m going to hop on the bus and go into my hood alone.”

“Or I could take you. It’s not a big deal.” I shrug my shoulders. “Just a ride.”

“Valo, do you understand that I live in Greenwood? Have you even been on that side of town before? I’m going to answer for you. No, you haven’t because pretty blond Finnish boys like you don’t go into that part of town.” She’s right, but that doesn’t mean I can’t take her home.

“Isn’t that even more reason for me to drive you? I won’t stay; I only want to drive you and drop you off.” She looks like she may be thinking about it, so I go in for the kill. “I’ll even go by a Burger King and buy you a milkshake.”

She thinks for a moment, trying to hide a smile as she glances down the street before resting those purple eyes on me. I wonder what color they really are. “Even a large, strawberry milkshake?” she asks.

“Anything on the menu, it’s yours.”

She nods. “Here’s the deal: we go to Burger King and then you drop me off two blocks before Greenwood. Someone in my hood will recognize you and rob you in a heartbeat. Normally, I don’t care about people’s well-being, but…” She quickly looks me over. “You’re a nice guy. Do we have a deal?”

“Only if you text me once you’ve made it home.”

“Okay. Deal.”

I hold out my elbow, noticing the corners of her mouth lift even though she rolls her eyes as she loops her arm through it. We walk down to the parking garage in silence. When we reach my truck, I glance at Jade for her reaction. It’s shiny black with tinted windows and large chrome rims to go with the big tires. She climbs inside and I make my way around the front.

“Were you expecting a sports car or an Escalade?” I ask when she doesn’t really give me a reaction.

“Actually, kind of. I figured you would have a little roadster. You know, the kind that have the naked bitches on them in the magazines.”

“Well, I might own one of those.”

“Hmmmm. Now, about this milkshake you promised…” She winks at me.

“A large strawberry milkshake, I know. Do you want anything else to go with it?”

“Nah, I’m actually stuffed with all that yummy food I wolfed down. The milkshake will top off a perfect night. Hell, I can’t even remember the last time I had a milkshake.”

We’ve pulled up to the speaker in the drive-thru and I order her a milkshake and a chocolate one for me. Once we have our shakes, I park in the lot. I’ve been holding Jade’s milkshake in my hand, mine is in the cup holder for the moment. I glance at her and say, “A perfect night?” I grin. “Does that mean the nice guy gets a second date? Second dates are the fun dates.”

“Wait a damn second. Are you holding my milkshake hostage for a second date? Wow, Valo, you are really learning the American way.” She folds her arms over her chest, but asks, “What do you have planned for date two?”

I give her the milkshake, watching her lips close around the straw before speaking. “I wasn’t holding it hostage. I couldn’t do that after I already promised it to you. Date two would be something fun, that’s what I have planned.” I’ll have to think of something first.

“Well…what if I take you out and show you what a real American date is like?” Jade bites her lower lip, distracting me for a moment.

“What’s a real American date?”

She smirks. “How about a surprise? Or is the big Eagles captain scared of little ole’ me?”

“Okay, you can surprise me. I’m not scared of little ole’ Jade.” That earns me another small smile. “Is your milkshake as good as you imagined it would be?”

“It’s delicious, Valo. Thanks for tonight. It’s been…memorable, to say the least.”

“Thanks for coming. I’m counting on your date to be memorable as well. I have high expectations, Jade.” I smile. “And I’m sure you’ll deliver.”

“Oh, I always do, Valo.” She leans in closely and adds, “Always. Now, when can I plan this date for us?”

I think about my schedule for a second. “Sunday? I have a game Saturday. You could come, if you want. I can get you a ticket.”

“Um…Valo…it’s nice that you want me to come see you play, but if someone sees me…I don’t want to get you in trouble. Right now, I don’t look like a stripper, but I am one. That could hurt you in the end.” Her words show me she has a good heart. Underneath the front she puts up most of the time, underneath her job as a stripper, and underneath the crappy hand she’s been dealt, she has a good heart.

“There will be thousands of people there. No one will care you’re there, if they even recognize you. Don’t overthink it.” We aren’t really celebrities in that aspect. Our private lives remain private if we want it to. She doesn’t need to worry about whether people know she’s a stripper or not. “If you want to come, then come.”

“You make it seem so easy,” she mumbles, glancing out the window and taking a long sip of her milkshake. I place my empty cup in the cup holder. “Well, I can’t because I don’t own any Eagles outfits…so…” She shrugs. As if it’s mandatory to wear clothes representing the team, as if that gets her out of going. Ha.

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