Origin in Death (In Death 21) - Page 108

"I believe you. Dr. Mira believes you."

"Others-higher authorities, or smaller minds-if they believe, they'll destroy or lock away. Life's important; I want to keep mine. I want to go now, back with the other girls. Please."

"I'll stop the tests, the training."

"I believe you. But I can't help you. May I be excused?"

"All right. Go on."

Diana rose. "I don't know where I began," she said. "I don't re­member anything before the age of five."

"Could it be here?"

"I don't know. I hope she does. Thank you, Lieutenant."

"I'll take her back." Mira got to her feet. "Would you like me to bring in another student?"

"No. I want whoever's next in line of authority. Vice president."

"Ms. Sisler," Diana told Eve. "Or Ms. Montega."

Eve nodded, had gestured Mira to take Diana out, when her com­municator beeped. "Dallas, what've you got?"

"You alone?" Feeney asked.

"Yeah, for the moment."

"I got enough of a match on the driver's ear, left hand, profile to just squeak by getting a warrant on Avril Icove."

"Son of a bitch. Avril Icove was seen by numerous people, including Louise and Roarke, at the same time. Going to be an interesting inter­view. Wrap it up, haul it in. We're going to organize a full search, co­operating with the locals. I need you heading that. We'll get droids from our house to maintain the security of the operation. I'll leave you McNab, but I need Peabody. Tag Reo, give her what you've got and have her arrange the warrant. I'm going to pick up our suspect."


requisition, receive, and program a team of search droids that Feeney could oversee. Time to do the diplo­macy dance with the locals. Time to wait while Reo argued her way into a warrant.

"Questioning as possible witness to a crime," Reo said. "That's the best you're going to get with Feeney's partial match. Particularly given that Avril Icove gave a live screen interview at the WBI Center at eleven this morning to Nadine Furst, as part of a three-part series of one-on-ones. Furst sure as hell ropes them in. You can pull Avril Icove in for questioning, but you're not going to get an arrest warrant."

"I'll take what I can get."

Peabody came up at a half-jog. "No progress on the suspect or the vehicle. No name match on any of the known names she's used on any transport, public or private. Had a number of privates, and was able to eliminate all but three. None to New York, city or state, but we've got privates to Buenos Aires, Argentina, Chicago, and Rome, Italy. Icove property or facilities in each location."

"Argentina. Shit." Eve yanked out her communicator, keyed in her notes, and contacted Whitney. "Sir, I need International Relations. I believe Rodriguez, Hector, and Cruz, Magdalene, listed as Diana Rodriguez's parents, may be in immediate danger. The probability is high that Deena is there, or en route. I need the locals to put them in protec­tive custody."

"This widens to international, we won't be able to keep our grip on it for long."

"I don't think I'll need long. I'm bringing Avril Icove in for ques­tioning."

It was after eight P.M. when Eve approached the Icove residence. The house was dark but for the security lights.

"Maybe she's at the beach house. Or she's grabbed the kids and gone rabbit."

"I don't think so." Eve pressed the bell, produced her badge foe the security plate. The same do-not-disturb message relayed, and she countermanded.

The household droid answered. "Lieutenant Dallas, Detective Peabody. Mrs. Icove and the children are in seclusion and don't wish to be disturbed. I'm to ask if your business can wait until morning."

"It can't. Tell Mrs. Icove to come down."

"As you wish. Will you step into the living room?"

Tags: J.D. Robb In Death Mystery
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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