Origin in Death (In Death 21) - Page 109

"Not this time. Just get her."

The droid started up the stairs, and Avril started down. Household security cameras, Eve thought. She'd watched and heard.

"Lieutenant, Detective. You have some news on the investigation?”|

"I have a legal writ requiring you to accompany me to Central for questioning."

"I don't understand."

"We have reason to believe you were a witness to a homicide morning at Brookhollow Academy."

"I've been in New York all day. My father-in-law's memorial."

"Yeah, interesting how that works. We've identified Deena Flavia. I spoke with Diana Rodriguez personally. Yeah, that gives you a little jolt," Eve observed when Avril visibly jerked back. "I've got enough to start blowing the schools, the Center, and several other facilities wide open. And when I do, I'm going to find more, enough to arrest you and Flavia on multiple counts of conspiracy to murder. But for now, Mrs. Icove, you're a witness. We're going downtown to talk about it."

"My children. They're resting. It's been a hideous day for them."

"I bet it has. If you're not comfortable leaving them with their care droid, I can arrange for a representative from Child Protection-"

"No! No," she said more calmly. "I'll leave instructions with the household. I'm entitled to contact someone, aren't I?"

"You're entitled to ask for and receive a lawyer or representative or to contact the representative of your choosing. That party can demand to verify the writ, and be present during interview."

"I'll need a moment to contact someone, to see to my children's wel­fare."

She went to the 'link first, ordered privacy mode, turned her back. Her voice remained at a murmur throughout. When she clicked off, turned, the fear on her face was gone.

She brought all three droids in, giving specific and detailed instruc­tions on what to do should either or both of the children wake, what they were to be told. The do-not-disturb was to go on and remain on until she countermanded.

"It's important that my representatives meet me here, and that we all go in together. Can you indulge me an hour?"

"Why is that?"

"I'll answer your questions. You have my word." Avril linked her fingers together, seemed to dig for calm. "You think you know, but you don't. An hour isn't so long to wait, and it may be less than that. In any case, I'd very much like to change, then to look in on the children be­fore we go."

"All right. Peabody."

"I'll go with y

ou, Mrs. Icove."

Alone, Eve used the time to check in with Feeney.

In a lab now, attached to a kind of clinic. They're billing it as an in-house treatment, evaluation, and teaching center. How they monitor the kids' health, well-being, nutritional index, and give instruction on medical shit. Treat minor injuries here, have sims for students. Got six medical staff, rotating, and two med-droids on, twenty-four/seven. Place is equipped with all the latest. So much latest I've never seen, some of it before. I'm working on the data centers and scanners. It's early yet, but it's looking like students are required to have weekly exams."

"Extreme, but not illegal."

"Give me time," Feeney promised.

She moved from him to Roarke, who had made it home. "I'm going to be really late."

"I suspected as much. With my absolute confidence in you, I'm wa­gering you'll close this by morning, then be entitled to-and willing to-take at least a few hours personal."

"For what?"

"Mad sex would be nice, but as some of my relations will be here to­morrow afternoon-"

"Tomorrow. It's not Thanksgiving tomorrow." Was it?

Tags: J.D. Robb In Death Mystery
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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