Echoes in Death (In Death 44) - Page 117

“Mrs. Patrick, where’s your husband?”

“He’s on his way. He was uptown, in meetings, but he’s coming.”

“Where were you when you received this text?”

“We were—we were in the West Village.”

“We’re doing a location shoot there next week,” Kyle explained. “I wanted to take another look, walk the streets we’re using. I asked Rosa to come along, give me her perspective.”

“He wanted to give me something to do. I have a hard time getting out, alone. Staying home, alone.”

“You’re doing better.”

Rosa managed a smile at Kyle. “I was. I will. But … Kyle convinced me to go downtown with him and the assistant director. I was enjoying it. It took my mind off everything, and then this happened.”

“You, Mr. Knightly, and—”

“Karyn Peeks,” Kyle supplied. “The AD on the shoot. We were standing on—God, I think it was Charles.” He rubbed his forehead. “Mind’s a little scrambled. Karyn and I were discussing some angles, and Rosa answered her ’link. She went white, absolutely white. She nearly dropped the ’link. I caught it, and I saw…”

“I wanted to run. I don’t even know where, just run. Kyle said we needed to bring it to you, right away. To bring it to you, and you’d trace the transmission.”

“That was the right thing to do.”

McNab knocked briskly even as he opened the door.

“This is Detective McNab, with EDD. I need your permission to give him your ’link.”

“Yes, yes. I don’t care if I ever see it again.”

“Give me a second.” Eve stepped out with McNab. “Incoming text with image, came in about thirty-five minutes ago. Get me all you can, fast as you can.”

“Done. I can do this in your office if that’s okay. Save time.”

“Save time.”

She went back in. “He’s one of the best,” she told them, “I want to reassure you. I’ve just come from briefing a team of detectives working on the investigation. It’s my top priority, and theirs.”

“Do you have any leads?” Kyle lifted his hands. “Everyone asks that, but there’s a reason they do.”

“And there’s a reason I can only tell you this investigation is open and active, and we’re pursuing any and all leads. And we are,” she said, looking back at Rosa.

“I went, or, Lori and I went to see Daphne last evening.”

“That’s good.”

“It was hard, for all of us, but I think it is good. Lori and I know what she’s feeling right now, and I hope we showed her she’s not alone, and that it will get better. It was better, and now—”

“This isn’t going to change that or you. You’re not going to let him violate you again.”

“If I’d been alone when…”

“You weren’t.” Kyle took her hand. “You’re not.”

“I just … Neville. I wish he’d get here.”

Giving her hand a squeeze, Kyle nodded. “How about I go out, get you some coffee, tag him and let him know we’re talking to Lieutenant Dallas, get his ETA?”

“Would you? I’d just feel better.”

Tags: J.D. Robb In Death Mystery
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024