Echoes in Death (In Death 44) - Page 118


“Skip the coffee,” Eve advised. “It’s as bad as it gets. Tea’s a better bet.”

“Thanks for the tip. I’ll be right back.”

“Rosa,” Eve began when they were alone. “I know you’ve been through this countless times. I know you’re feeling vulnerable right now. I’m going to ask you to think, and carefully. Before the assault, in the time after, but particularly before, was there any incident—however minor—when someone approached you, touched you, or … you know what I’m saying. Moved on you?”


“Rosa, you’re a beautiful woman. It’s hard to believe you haven’t had someone hit on you.”

“Not in an ugly way. A flirtation, an attempt? I mean you’re in a bar or a club waiting for friends and a man offers to buy you a drink? Sure. You say no thanks, and he may try to chat you up for a minute. You can judge if it’s harmless or if he’s going to get pushy, and you handle it accordingly.”

“And there’s never been one of those times anyone approached you that way, frightened you, made you feel threatened.”

“Honestly, no. Annoyed, yes. But since I’ve been with Neville, not much of that. I almost think—well, one of my friends said it’s like I have this aura of ‘Don’t Bother’ around me. I knew the first time I saw him. I was with someone else, but my heart just … Thud.” She let out a half laugh. “And when I managed to work my way up to him, to start a conversation, I was sunk. I knew it, felt so guilty because the man I was with was a very, very nice man.”

“Was he angry?”

“Who? Justin? Oh, no. He didn’t know, for one thing. Honestly, I thought of Neville as a lovely fantasy. The looks, the accent, the manner, the chemistry. I was sure it was only that when we ran into each other again. I was free, but he was with someone else. Missed that chance, that’s what I thought. Then, third time’s the charm. We met again and we were both single, and it turned out he’d felt that same thud. And that’s been that. The Don’t Bother aura descended.”


sp; “Did you ever have the feeling someone had been in your home when you weren’t? Notice something missing?”

“Not really.”

“Underwear,” Eve said and watched surprise flicker over Rosa’s face.

“I … It’s odd you say that. I bought all new lingerie before the wedding, didn’t wear any of it. Neville and I lived together in the house since the spring, and I wanted everything new when we were married. So I put it away, but didn’t wear it. When we got back from the honeymoon I’d have sworn a couple of sets were missing. I took some with me on the honeymoon, but I was so sure I’d bought and put away these others.”

“They weren’t where you’d put them.”

“They weren’t anywhere. I just chalked it up to all the wedding chaos.”

She stopped, rubbed a hand over her heart. “He’d been in the house?”

“It’s something we’re looking into.”

“It feels like it’s never going to end,” Rosa murmured.

McNab opened the door, let Kyle walk in ahead of him.


“Give me a minute.” She stepped out with McNab.

“Drop ’link.”

“I figured.”

“But I’ve got a location. Where the text originated, and where the ’link—still active—is now. It’s half a block from the Patricks’ building. I checked the file.”

“Get your gear, you’re with me. Garage, five minutes, so move your ass.”

“It’s never still.”

Simple truth, she thought as he rushed off on his tartan airboots and she went back into Interview A.

Tags: J.D. Robb In Death Mystery
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024