Midnight Flight (Broken Wings 2) - Page 8

into her arms. It was a smile that brought a ray of

sunshine to a rainy day, and, boy. did I need some

sugar now.

"Hello, girls." she said. "I'm Dr. Foreman,

Welcome to my school."

"This is a school?" Teal piped up immediately.

"It's more like someone's filthy basement."

Dr. Foreman turned to her and, holding her

smile, said. "No, this isn't the actual school." She

looked about and smiled as if she didn't see what we

saw. She saw a beautiful lobby or something instead. "This is my orientation center. The school is some distance from here. but I like to meet my girls as soon as they are brought and introduce them to the way things will be as soon as possible. That way, if they don't accept what I say and don't do what I say, I can put them right back on the plane and ship them somewhere else where a far worse fate awaits them. Is

this plan all right with you. Teal?"

I could see Teal was both impressed and

intimidated that Dr. Foreman already knew which of

us she was. Teal didn't answer. She just sat looking at

her, her mouth slightly open. Dr. Foreman did not turn

away immediately either. She held Teal's gaze, froze

that now cold smile on her lips, and only after a few

beats, slowly turned back to Robin and me.

"Now then, as I was saying, welcome to my

school," she continued.

As if that was their cue, three young women,

the one who had escorted me from the plane to the

concrete building, and two others dressed similarly

with their hair cut identically short, entered and took

position just behind Dr. Foreman. They stood with

military posture, their arms behind them, hands

clasped, and looked forward, n

ot at us, just forward

and poised like guard dogs ready to pounce upon command. Foreman's rottweilers, all teeth and muscle.

Tags: V.C. Andrews Broken Wings Horror
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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