Midnight Flight (Broken Wings 2) - Page 9

I thought.

"I created my school only five years ago. but I

have, shall we say, graduated dozens of girls like you,

releasing them back into society as productive young

women, all of whom have kept out of any trouble with

their families or with the law. Three are in fact law

officers now themselves," Dr. Foreman said, smiling

wider with pride. "Two are correction officers and one

is a policewoman in a big city."

"Something for us to look forward to," Robin

muttered. "A career as a policewoman."

Dr. Foreman looked straight ahead, but her

body began to turn as if it were robotic, slowly, stiffly,

her shoulders firm and straight.

"Right now. Robin Lyn Taylor. all you have to

look forward to is getting yourself into more trouble

and so deeply that you are eventually put away in a

room without any hope of getting out. In effect, you

have no future. The reason you have been sent here is

to help you regain one Until that happens, you, all of

you." Dr. Foreman said, looking at Teal and me as

well now, "are nonentities. You don't exist for your

families. You don't exist for yourselves. All you've

accomplished up until now is sharpened yourselves as thorns in the side of civilized society. With me, under my care, you will either develop the ability to have a future or you will be pulled out of the side of the civilized world and discarded like any nuisance. The choice is ultimately yours to make, but." she said, smiling warmly again. "we will do our best here to help you make the right choice. In the past, whenever you were given the opportunity to do what was right and decent, you all made other choices. We expect to

correct that. We will help you.

"Someone, thanks to the mercy of our court

system, has decided to give you this one last chance.

Rather than sit here sulking and trying to think of

wisecracks, you should begin to show some


Tags: V.C. Andrews Broken Wings Horror
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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