Midnight Flight (Broken Wings 2) - Page 10

"But," she continued in a sweet, melodic tone. 'I

am the first to recognize that you are all here because

you are all filled with defiance, anger, and most of all


"Fear?" I muttered. I couldn't help it. It just

slipped out between my lips. How could fear have

brought us here?

"Yes, my dear Phoebe, fear. Antisocial

behavior stems from a well of fear. You act out

because you are defensive, slightly paranoid. I'm afraid. In your present way of thinking, the world around you threatens you. You believe everyone is against you and you're just naturally antagonistic to


I guess she saw the lack of understanding in my

face. She smiled, again so softly, I felt I could relax

and listen to her for hours.

"Don't worry about any of that yet, my dear.

You'll see. You'll all see. That's what's so wonderful

about my work," she said excitedly. "at least to me,

especially the way it opens the eyes of my girls. For

me." she said, her voice rising an octave. "there is

nothing as satisfying as seeing one of my girls

suddenly come to the realization she can be as good as

anyone else out there, she can be productive and

worthwhile. She can make friends and be liked and

like others. Her heart can hold sunshine, even on rainy


She did make it sound wonderful. For a

moment she paused with her face so radiant and full

of happiness. I felt some hope seep into my hardened

and crusty surface. She looked at me as if she could

sense it and gave me a special nod, a little mare of her

Tags: V.C. Andrews Broken Wings Horror
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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