Midnight Flight (Broken Wings 2) - Page 14

hard enough to learn with one."

"Oh, you'll be surprised at what you can

accomplish when you are left to your own initiative,

Robin Lyn. Of course, you will all help each other.

Cooperation in that regard is very important. I will

want you all to fully understand how important it is to

get along with each other, with others of different

backgrounds. Out there, that's what you must do to be

a contributing member of society.

"But, self-reliance is essential. too. We can

cooperate with each other, but we can't become totally

dependent upon others or we become a burden, don't

we? That is truly what the three of you are right now,

a burden. You'll either be cast off or you'll learn to

walk an your own. Sink or swim." she said, her face

now turning cool. When she called for it, that iciness

seemed to emerge from within her, rise to the surface

of her face, penetrate her eyes, tighten her lips, and

make her look taller. More intimidating.

I glanced again at the other two Despite the brave fronts they were putting on. I sensed they were just as anxious about all this as I was. I noticed as well that the three young women behind Dr. Foreman had grown still again. had barely moved a muscle since she had looked at them. How could they be so

disciplined? They were three statues.

How much longer would we be kept here? I

wondered. It was dank and musty, the air so stale my

throat ached. Why did we have to begin in such a

place anyway? The stool was uncomfortable. The

lighting was dull. What was the point of having us sit

at old grade-school desks? I was still tired and achy

from my unpleasant trip. I couldn't wait to go to sleep

in a bed and I had to go to the bathroom. but I was

afraid to mention it yet. I didn't want to be the first

Tags: V.C. Andrews Broken Wings Horror
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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