Midnight Flight (Broken Wings 2) - Page 15


"To be sure you are making the right amount of

effort at your schoolwork, you will be tested from

time to time on your academic subjects, and if you

don't pass, you will be given demerits," Dr. Foreman


"Demerits?" Teal said. smirking. "What does

that mean, we won't get our Girl Scout patches and


"No, my dear," Dr. Foreman responded. "Nothing that important. You are all as of now under my merit system. Since you have all been brought here as a last resort because of your antisocial behavior, you will all be beginning with a minus ten and have to work your way back up to zero before you

can even hope to achieve rights and privileges." That did sound threatening.

"What rights and privileges?" I asked. "Well, for one thing, you will have to wear

what you're wearing until you achieve the points to

wear my school uniforms."

"What are we wearing? This is disgusting,"

Teal complained. "Not only are these... these rags

irritating my skin, they smell, and why do we have to

wear diapers. for Christ sakes? I want my clothes


"Yes. I'm sorry about these transitional outfits.

They do have that unpleasant odor." Dr. Foreman

sounded sympathetic. She also made it sound as if

there were no other choice. I finally saw the three

rottweilers soften their lips into a smile,

"But why are we wearing diapers?" Robin


"Because, my dear, you are being reborn.

Unfortunately, none of you have shown enough maturity to be considered anything but infants, and until you do, that's how you will be treated." Dr. Foreman said firmly, losing the smile. Then she blossomed into another to add. "Believe me, my dear,

you'll be grateful you have them on."

The slight smiles on the three young women

Tags: V.C. Andrews Broken Wings Horror
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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