Midnight Flight (Broken Wings 2) - Page 34

van's engine start, then the van pulled away. It was

smooth for a while, but not five minutes into the ride,

it suddenly became quite bumpy, and for us to bounce

sitting on this metal floor was not easy. It was at times

painful. We all screamed and shouted complaints, but

whoever was driving didn't hear us or care. The van

jostled and shook us as it went along. At times, the

driver turned so hard and sharply, we were thrown

from side to side. Finally, the ride became a lot


"I'm going to strangle my mother darling when

I get away from here." Robin vowed. "She just wanted

to get me out of her hair while she tries to become a

famous country singing star. She didn't care where I

was sent. Just go, she told me. I'm better off. What she

really meant was she was better off. She could party

and carry on without worrying about me."

"What did your father have to say about it?"

Teal asked.

"I don't have a father. Mother darling got

pregnant when she was a teenager and my

grandparents made her have me as a punishment.

They are very religious and we had to live with them.

Mother darling's not sure who my father is. The best

she can remember is she was at a party where she had

sex with three. guys."

"Three in one night?" I asked.

"That's what she claimed."

"Some mother." Teal said.

"I didn't exactly have a choice, you know. From

Tags: V.C. Andrews Broken Wings Horror
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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