Midnight Flight (Broken Wings 2) - Page 35

the sound of things, you're not that much better off," "Yeah, well, at least I'm sure who my father is."

Teal said.

"Doesn't sound like he wants to be your father."

Robin batted back.

"How came you don't get along with your

parents?" I asked Teal. Talking at least passed the

time and stopped me from thinking about the horrible


"They had me late in their marriage. I was an

accident for sure." she replied bitterly. "I have a brother who's much older and he's by far the favorite. He works with my father in his business. Na one had any patience for me. I'm sure they're just as happy to

get rid of me as Robin's mother was to get rid of her." "She'll be sorry." Robin swore. "If she ever

does become famous. I'll tell the world how Mother

darling treated me."

"Why do you call her 'Mother darling'?" Teal


"Just to annoy her. You've heard of Mommie

Dearest, right?"

"Yeah," Teal said so vaguely I was sure she

hadn't. I hadn't but I didn't say so. What difference did

it make? I thought.

"My daddy wouldn't have put up with this," I

told them. "He was hoping to take me back as soon as

he got himself a position where he didn't have to be

on the road all the time."

"Sure he was," Teal said.

-He was!" I insisted. "If he didn't get himself

killed, my aunt and uncle would never dare to do

something like this to me."

"What about your mother?" Robin asked. I told her about how she had deserted us in

Atlanta and how I had gone looking for her in hopes

Tags: V.C. Andrews Broken Wings Horror
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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