Midnight Flight (Broken Wings 2) - Page 37

the van. Across from us was a long, two-story, pitchroofed, pink-stucco Spanish colonial house with an

upper-level, full-length porch. The railings looked

quite fancy. I could see the six doors that opened onto

the porch. I imagined each one opened onto a room.

and I hoped each of us was to have one of those

rooms. All I could think of was dropping my head on

a pillow and curling up an a soft mattress.

"All right, follow us," M'Lady One ordered.

"This way." She started around the van.

Why weren't we going directly into the house? I

wondered, We were all so tired. Surely they were

tired. too. There just couldn't be more to this

orientation. The three of us stumbled after them. Robin kept looking from side to side like someone who wanted to break loose and run, but all I could see through the darkness was a corral, another barn, and a large shed. There was no road and there were definitely no other houses anywhere nearby. There were no cars going past and no sign of any road. Just a mountain range in the distance, silhouetted against the

blue black sky, now dazzling with stars.

Where were we exactly? I had no sense of

direction, but because of how long it had taken me to

get here by plane and van. I was sure I was at least

halfway across the country. It was a frightening

thought, to realize I was so far from anywhere and

anyone I knew. Vaguely, I wondered what my old

friends were doing at this moment. I envied them far

being asleep in their own beds. I even envied the ones

I knew shared beds with younger brothers or sisters. We were directed off to the right and brought to

what was outside showers. There were no stalls. just

three showerheads over a concrete floor,

'Get undressed and take your showers." M'Lady

Three commanded.

"This is a shower?" Teal muttered.

If M'Lady One heard her, she chose not to

acknowledge it. "You take a shower every night

Tags: V.C. Andrews Broken Wings Horror
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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