Midnight Flight (Broken Wings 2) - Page 38

before going to bed at Dr. Foreman's School." We were each handed a bar of coarse soap. a

stiff brush. a towel, and a small kit that included our

toothbrush, toothpaste, and a supply of tampons. None of us moved to undress. however. "Well?" my buddy said, glaring into my face.

"Let's get started. We don't have all night."

"Right out here, like this?" I asked. looking

around. It seemed deserted, but it was still getting

naked in full view of anyone.

"Always ask before speaking." she reminded

me. "Yes, right out here like this. Do it! You all stink

and the stench will keep you awake and bother


Others? I thought. What others?

Robin began to take off her sack, then undo her

shoes and lower her socks. I followed, but Teal looked

like she was going to be defiant.

"You won't go to sleep until you do this." her

buddy told her. She started to undress.

The water was a shock. It wasn't just cold; it

was freezing. Every time we tried to get out from

under, they pushed us back and shouted. "Scrub!" I did it as fast as I could, Eventually. the other

two did the same. but it wasn't good enough for our buddies. They told us to do it again and scrub harder. The bristles of the brush were stiff and painful. Finally, we were told to step out and turn off the water. Even in the darkness. I could see how red and irritated Robin's and Teal's skin were. We dried off quickly and put the degrading outfits on to keep ourselves warm again, despite that the sacks stank and would defeat the purpose of the shower. I was afraid

to point it out. however,

"Let's move it." M'Lady Three commanded.

She still did not lead us toward the house. however.

Instead we were taken to an area off to our right

where the three of us saw our clothing piled, shoes

and all.

A sweet feeling of relief settled in me, as well

as the other two. "Finally," I heard Teal whisper. "No speaking," M'Lady Two screamed. We stood there obediently, waiting for the order

to fetch our clothes. To our surprise. M'Lady Three

Tags: V.C. Andrews Broken Wings Horror
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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