Midnight Flight (Broken Wings 2) - Page 39

went instead to a large open barrel beside them. She

lit a match and dropped it into the barrel. Instantly, a

flame shot up. Something very flammable was in the


"Okay, girls," M'Lady One said. "Take those

clothes and throw them into the barrel."

"What?" Teal couldn't contain herself. "Burn

my clothes? Why?"

Out of the shadows as if she were formed from

darkness came Dr. Foreman.

"I know this seems hard to you, girls, but it is a

very, very important first step. What we are doing

here tonight is burning away the old you and

beginning your rebirths. This isn't just symbolic. It has

a great deal of psychological importance."

The fire crackled in the barrel,

But that's not the old me. That's my clothing,

my designer clothing!" Teal exclaimed.

For a long moment, no one spoke. Then Dr.

Foreman stepped a little closer,

"We'll stand here all night if we have to." she

warned, "It is essential to my system, my process, that

you all participate in your awn rebirths."

"This is really crazy." Teal muttered.

"I'm so tired. I don't care about anything

anymore," Robin declared, and went to the clothes, "Don't throw mine in there," Teal screamed at


Robin picked out her own things and began to

toss them into the barrel. I followed after her and did

the same. Finally. Teal, standing alone, went to the remaining garments. Then, like someone giving up the

Tags: V.C. Andrews Broken Wings Horror
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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