Midnight Flight (Broken Wings 2) - Page 40

most precious jewels, dropped them into the barrel. "Good,- Dr. Foreman said. "You're all

beginning well. I'm proud of you girls, and to show

you my appreciation_. I'm giving you all plus five

points. You're now that much closer to receiving

comforts and privileges. M'ladies." she said, turning

to the buddies. "Show them to their sleeping


Thank God. I thought. I followed along, my

head down, not realizing where we were going until

Teal moaned. We were standing at the barn.

M'Lady Two opened the door. We could see it

was well lit within.

"Home sweet home, girls," she said, standing


"Home! What are you talking about? This is a

barn." Teal moaned.

"Demerit," M'Lady Three said. "Even though

Dr. Foreman rewarded you with five plus points, you

have one demerit from before and now a second. Two

demerits in one day qualify you for the Ice Room. Dr.

Foreman must be immediately informed. You could

go right to the Ice Room."

I raised my hand.

"Very good. Phoebe. Permission to speak.

Speak." M'Lady One said.

"Can't you be a little bit understanding? We're

confused and tired and this looks like a barn," It is a barn and we're not here to be

understanding. You were given the rules and you must

obey them. It's what we had to do and what we did."

M'Lady One looked at M'Lady Three. "It's up to you."

Tags: V.C. Andrews Broken Wings Horror
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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