Midnight Flight (Broken Wings 2) - Page 46

down at the floor when they turned to her as well. M'Lady Three entered. "What's going on? I'd

think everyone would be quite tired by now." "We're about to hear a critique on Dr.

Foreman's School." M'Lady Two told her.

"Well. Phoebe bird, what's your answer? What

exactly do you find stupid?" my buddy repeated. "The whole thing," I said. "Making us sleep on

a hard wooden cot and making us earn food and water

and wear these, these stupid sacks with diapers." She doesn't like her clothes." M'Lady One told

M'Lady Two as if that were an amazing thing to hear

me say.

"Well then," M'Lady Two said. "she shouldn't

have to wear them."

"Exactly my thoughts." my buddy replied. Before I could respond or move away, they

seized my wrists. M'Lady Three stepped up. I

screamed and struggled, but they were so strong. They

got me down on the wooden bunk and M'Lady Three

took hold of my sack and drew it up and over my

head. In moments they had it off me and I was naked,

but for the diaper, socks, and shoes. I knew how

ridiculous I looked. I cried and screamed and they

released me and stepped back. Immediately, I covered

my breasts with my arms and sat up.

"Now, are you happier?" my buddy asked. "No. Give it back to me," I cried,

"This... what did you call it.., stupid sack? We

don't want you to feel stupid."

She turned and the three started out.

"Wait!" I cried. "I'm sorry. Please. Give it back.

I can't lie here like this."

They paused and looked at each other. "Think she's sorry?" my buddy asked the other


"It's hard to tell. She looks sorry, but she looked

Tags: V.C. Andrews Broken Wings Horror
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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