Midnight Flight (Broken Wings 2) - Page 47

sorry from the moment I set eyes on her," M'Lady

Two said.

"Okay, let's see how sorry she is. Step outside."

my buddy said.

I looked at Robin. She wore an expression of

abject terror and avoided looking back at me. The

other two girls remarkably were as they had been,

their eyes closed, still on their backs. They hadn't

turned or budged to witness any of it.

"Why?" I asked.

"Yours is not to question why," my buddy said. "Yours is but to do and die," the other two


I walked slowly behind them out of the barn.

The first thing I saw was Teal lying on her side on her

bunk. She must have tried to run off or something

because I saw her feet were shackled to the cat. She

was folded in a fetal position, her eyes closed, but her

body shaking. It wasn't warm anymore. In fact, it was


I shuddered as well.

"Over here." my buddy ordered, placing me in

the pool of illumination thrown dawn by a pole light. I did as she said.

"Arms at your sides, face forward. Do it!" she

screamed at me, and I did. I felt myself shaking harder

and harder. "Okay, now recite the school prayer. Go

on. Recite it and do it loud enough for them to hear

inside. Do it!"

I started, trying desperately to remember it, but

stumbling over words. Each time I did, one of them

stepped close to me and shouted in my ear. "Wrong!

Tags: V.C. Andrews Broken Wings Horror
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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