Midnight Flight (Broken Wings 2) - Page 48

Start again. Wrong!"

I don't know if I ever got it completely right,

but eventually. I did recite it close enough to satisfy

them. My buddy, M'Lady One, handed me the sack. "Okay, put it back on."

I took it.

"Don't we get a thank you?" M'Ladv Two


"Thank you," I mumbled.

"We didn't hear you." my buddy said. "Thank you!" I cried. I dressed quickly before

they could change their minds and put me through

something equally terrible,

"Get back inside and go to sleep. Another

infraction of the rules and you'll go to the Ice Room,"


nbsp; my buddy added.

I glanced at Teal. She hadn't dared turn to look

at me. She was still shivering, but not as much. Sleep

was overtaking fear and anger. I thought.

As I started toward the door of the barn. I

glanced to my left because I saw something moving in

the shadows. The silhouette became clearer and I realized it was Dr. Foreman. I cringed inside. She had been standing there all the while, watching them torture me. How could she let them do these things to us? A part of me wanted to call out to her, call out to that sweet smile of welcome she had first given us in orientation and ask her what had happened to that. but I was too afraid to do it In a moment her silhouette seemed to merge with the shadows anyway and she

was gone. I wasn't even sure she had really been there. I entered the barn and went quickly to my bunk.

The two girls were still asleep and Robin was on her

side with her back to me. I lay dawn with my back to

her. The lights went out again and the door was

closed. I heard it being locked and it occurred to me

that they had never told us where the bathroom was.

What if we have to get up and go? I wondered. Were

we supposed to just do it in our diaper again? "Robin?" I whispered.

I listened, but heard nothing from her. Perhaps

Tags: V.C. Andrews Broken Wings Horror
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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