Midnight Flight (Broken Wings 2) - Page 55

"I'm going to vomit on the spot. I mean it." Teal warned.

"If you do, you'll clean it up." we heard, and saw M'Lady Three standing nearby. "Start shoveling. You have to go to the pottery barn before therapy today."

"Therapy? We'll need more than therapy at the end of this day," I muttered.

The three of us began to shovel the pig manure into a wheelbarrow. Natani would then take it around to the side of the garden and dump it in a pile while we filled another wheelbarrow. The stench

made me dry heave so hard I thought my stomach would crack open, but we didn't stop because every time we tried to back away, we heard one of the m'ladies warning us about the Ice Room.

Where were Gia and Mindy? How come they didn't have to do this? I wondered.

A good hour or so later we found out. They were in with Dr. Foreman. We saw them leave the house and head toward the barn, both walking with heads down,

"What's with Tweedledum and Tweedledee?" Robin asked.

I shook my head. "Maybe they're finished with their chores and have free time."

"Free time? What good is it? What could you do here but twiddle your thumbs?" Teal asked.

"Don't worry about it Free time is something you won't see for a long time," M'Lady Two replied, coming around the corner of the pigpen. "Pottery time," she declared, and led us to another barn where we passed cows in stalls and entered a room where there was a kiln, tables, and clay.

Natani was already at work at a table. We were told to sit around and listen to his instructions. He showed us how to mix the clay, how to keep it from being too wet, then how to shape our bowls and dishes. M'Lady Two stood back near the doorway watching us work. She wore a wry smile and seemed to enjoy Teal's discomfort. Natani was patient and focused. Once again. I thought he had magical hands. Everything seemed to come so easily to him.

"You must see the bowl and the dish here first," he said, pointing to his temple. "Then it will travel dawn into your fingers and it will be born through them."

Teal swung her eyes toward the ceiling, but said nothing. Every once in a while she moaned over the clay that was getting under her fingernails. Finally, we had each fanned our bawl and our dish well enough to please Natani and he put them into the kiln,

"Let's go," M'Lady Two said. "Dr. Foreman is waiting for you." Robin asked for permission to speak.

"What do you want now?"

"Can't we clean up, rest a moment?"

"Why? You're not going to a party, stupid. Follow me."

None of us moved with any energy. We dragged ourselves through the afternoon's hot sun and, once again, took off our shoes and washed our hands in the springwater. We gulped water until our buddy told us to move and we entered the hacienda. MLady One led us into the house and brought us to an office with a long, brown leather sofa, an oversize leather chair, and a coffee table between them.

On an oversize dark cherry-wood desk, papers were neatly arranged, with a computer on the side, the monitor lit with a screen saver showing spiraling solar systems twirling. The walls had plaques and frames, some with degrees in them, some with letters of commendation. The windows were shaded with blackouts and the room was cool and comfortable, obviously well air-conditioned. A large oval area rug with desert colors was on the floor, between the sofa and the desk.

"Sit on the sofa," M'Lady One told us. 'Remember, no one is to speak until asked to do so. We'll be listening."

We sat on the sofa: then she closed the door behind her as she left. For a moment, the three of us, so tired and exhausted, just sat quietly enjoying the cool air. Teal turned her hands over and looked at her palms. She grimaced sharply, looking like she might burst into tears. Robin closed her eyes and sat back. I lowered my head and stared at the floor.

"I'm running away from here tonight." I heard Teal whisper.

"You can't do that. You'll get lost and die out there." Robin said.

"I'll die here anyway," Teal replied, but not with as much conviction as someone who really believed she had no other choice.

We heard the door being opened and pressed our lips shut. Dr. Foreman walked in, smiled at us, and went first to her desk. She turned some pages of a document in front other, then came around her desk and sat in the oversize chair, the document in her lap.

"So here we are." she said. "I thought it would be nice if our first session was together, the three of you and me, beginning as a group. How does everyone feel?"

For a moment none of us took the question seriously. How do we feel? How could we feel but miserable?

"I'm exhausted," Teal finally said. "I had a horrible night because I was forced to sleep outside chained to a cot, and it was cold, very cold. I don't know why I'm not sick with pneumonia or something. and I stink. We all stink. I want to go home. I'm sure my parents don't know what this place is like or they wouldn't have sent me here. When they find out, heads are going to roll."

Dr. Foreman had a face like a mask. I thought. Her eyelids barely blinked and those eyes of hers looked like they could bore holes into all three of us. Her lips remained firm. tight. Teal had to look away. She sucked in her tears and held her breath.

Tags: V.C. Andrews Broken Wings Horror
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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