Midnight Flight (Broken Wings 2) - Page 84

was, shall we say, a bit of a disappointment to her

brilliant mother."

"Sort of what all of us are to our respective

mothers, real or otherwise," Mindy added, her words

dripping out of the corners of her mouth.

"This is still very confusing," Robin said. "Why

would Dr. Foreman have her own daughter, adopted

or otherwise, in this place?"

"You are thick." Gia said sharply.

I saw Robin's face show crimson, even through

her now deep tan. "I'm thick?" She started toward Gia,

her hands clenched into fists. "You want to see how

thick I am?"

"Stop it!" I cried at Robin. "Look, I'm not as

smart as you are. Gia. but I can see that ripping us

apart is what Dr. Foreman wants."

Gia relaxed her shoulders and looked at me and

then at Mindy. Then she sat on her cot.

"Probably." she admitted.

"Why?" Teal asked. The three of us were

around Gia and Mindy now.

"I don't know everything either. but I know she

doesn't want us to be strong, and if we all got along

and protected each other, it would be us against her." "Exactly," I said. Gia looked up at me. "She had

us tearing each other apart pretty good in there. It's

exactly what policemen like to do when they arrest

you and start to question you. They get you fighting

among yourselves and pretty soon someone gives

someone else away and it all falls apart."

"How come you know so much about all that?

Tags: V.C. Andrews Broken Wings Horror
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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