Midnight Flight (Broken Wings 2) - Page 85

Haw often have you been arrested?" Mindy asked me,

her face scrunched up with both disgust and curiosity. "Enough," I said.

"Where is this Posy now?" Teal asked, still

thinking about her. "And what kind of a name is

Posy? I can't see Dr. Foreman naming a daughter

Posy, can you?" she asked me. "I would have

expected something more like Hortense."

"Posy named herself Posy, I think." Mindy said.

"Isn't that what you said. Gia?"

"Yes. I can't remember Dr. Foreman calling her

anything but 'young lady.'

"You never met this Posy. Mindy?" I asked. "No. She was already gone by the time I

arrived, Gia told me all about her."

"Well, what happened to her? Where is she?

Did she graduate or something?" Teal asked Gia. Gia's laugh was thin and maddening,

"Graduate? Yes. I guess it is a sort of graduation when

someone gets out of here, if she gets out of here." She

was silent a moment: then, after glancing at Mindy,

she turned back to Teal and said. "I don't know." "Why not?" Robin asked.


can't be sure. right. Gia?" Mindy said. "What does that mean? Did Posy tell you

something?" I asked Gia,

"It wouldn't have mattered if she had. When she

was first brought here, she told Gia so many different

things, it was obvious she was a habitual liar." "Really?"

Gia nodded. "For the longest time. I didn't

know she had any relationship to Dr. Foreman at all,

much less being her daughter. She never called her or

referred to her as anything but 'Dr. Foreman,' and I

never saw anything warm between them, anything even to suggest they had once lived in the same

Tags: V.C. Andrews Broken Wings Horror
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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