Midnight Flight (Broken Wings 2) - Page 93

"You won't. Anyway, the difference with Posy

was no matter what they did to her, what negative

reinforcement they applied, she smiled at them. And

then she would oo and make up a story about it like

she had to clean the pigpen all by herself because we

were too busy or she was good at it. They would just

act angrier and angrier at her. She never let them

make her face reality. You know she never had a

mattress, pillow, and blanket the whole time she was


"How could she stand that so long?" Teal


Gia shrugged. I began to wonder if she didn't

admire Posy as much as she pitied her.

"She told me she was used to sleeping on hard

surfaces. She liked to go camping, and mattresses and

sheets and pillows made her itch and sneeze. I

actually believed her for a while. She was really good

at it, at telling tales. I can just imagine the stories she

had people believing. It must have driven our Dr.

Foreman bonkers.

"But... Natani liked her," Gia said wistfully. He

favored her, talked to her all the time, taught her stuff,

like how to meditate and step out of pain. That's the

way she put it. I know the good doctor wasn't happy

about that and eventually told him to stay away from


"Why does he obey her, work for her?" Teal


"His granddaughter was a drug addict. She

Tags: V.C. Andrews Broken Wings Horror
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