Midnight Flight (Broken Wings 2) - Page 94

managed to get her on the straight and narrow. At

least, that's what I think," Gia said.

"It's true. He told me something similar." I said.

"just not in as much detail."

"Whatever. He must owe her big time to put up

with all this," Robin said.

"He doesn't see it that way," I told her. "Then he really is a crazy Indian." Teal


"Well, how did Posy end up? I mean, why don't

you know what happened to her?" I asked Gia, "No one would talk about her I quickly saw it

was forbidden to mention her name. One morning she

was just gone, and when she didn't return for days. I

knew she was gone for good. At first I assumed she

was sent home or somewhere else."

"So, then that's what happened." I said.

shrugging. "What's the big mystery?" From the way

Mindy and Gia glanced at each other. I saw they had

other ideas. "What?"'

"I'm sure I saw her from time to time, but only

at night," Gia said.

"And then you stopped seeing her altogether.

right. Gia?" Mindy said.

"You never saw her at night or otherwise?"

Robin asked Mindy.


"So, then she is gone," I concluded. They didn't

look convinced. "Is there something else?"

"The one thing I think Posy needed more than

anything was company, friends. She tried so hard to

get us to be her friends. I could tell she was making up

Tags: V.C. Andrews Broken Wings Horror
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