Midnight Flight (Broken Wings 2) - Page 171

"Yes, well, as long as you understand you still are." Then Alex sighed so deeply I thought she would come apart right before our eyes.

"Teal, you are going home. You'll be on a flight that will take you to Albany via Newark. There'll be an officer from the juvenile criminal division greeting you at the Newark airport and seeing that you get on the right flight for Albany, where your parents will take custody. There, a division of juvenile justice will see to your counseling.

"Robin, you have a direct flight to Nashville."

"I do?"

"Your mother will meet you at the airport and the same will be true for you."

"Mother darling wants to meet me at the airport? Y'all sure about that?"

Your families have all been told something about the events that have just transpired, and some of what you have been going through at the ranch."

"Mother darling will probably write a song about it," Robin told

I smiled gently, but my eyes were on Alex, who was looking at me.

"Phoebe., your uncle and aunt have refused to accept custody and responsibility for you. I'm sorry. Arrangements have been made for you to be with foster parents in Atlanta. They'll be greeting you at the airport and you will have a direct flight. The same counseling and overseeing will take place there for you. Arrangements will be made concerning your schooling. They are. I've been told, a very nice couple, whose children are all grown and out of the house. They're actually looking forward to taking you into their home. I hope you will respect that and it will work out for you.

"Well, then," she added. standing. "any_ questions I can answer for you?"

"Yeah," Teal said. "Why were we born?"

"That. I'm afraid, is a question you'll have to answer for yourself, dear. I wish you all the best of luck. There are cars outside waiting to transport you three to the different terminals and the different flights. Why don't you all freshen up, go to the bathroom, and come out in ten minutes or so. okay?"

She smiled and then left us just like anyone who had unloaded a burden would leave us, her shoulders relaxing, her body softening, her mind rushing to think about something pleasurable that awaited her when she returned home from work and could put us out of mind forever and ever. I envied her for being able to do that.

"Anyone want to go to the bathroom?" Teal asked.

"Not me." Robin said. "Phoebe?"

"I'm not used to bathrooms inside," I said. "without something crawling around the toilet."

They laughed.

"You're such an idiot." Teal said.

"And what are you?" Robin asked her. "Besides a spoiled brat, that is?"

Teal pretended to think. "Nothing else. That seems to be enough for now."

We laughed again.

"The first thing my mother is going to ask me." Teal said as we started out of the room. "is what did I do to my hair? It would never occur to her that someone else would have done it to me.

I'll be kept locked up until she thinks I look good enough to be out in public again."

"Were you ever good enough?" Robin asked her.

"Oh, listen to her? I hope your mother does write a song about Dr. Foreman's School and sings it to you every night."

"I might write it for her." Robin said.

A man in a suit who looked like another FBI agent waited at the front door of the building. Alex, apparently, was already gone.

He opened the door and began assigning the cars. They were parked in a line at the sidewalk, and the drivers of each looked bored to death. We paused.

It was dark now. There were stars, but they weren't as bright or as numerous as the stars in the desert sky. Streetlights and other lights washed them out.

Tags: V.C. Andrews Broken Wings Horror
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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