Midnight Flight (Broken Wings 2) - Page 172

"You're probably going to be better off than both of us, Phoebe. You'll have people who actually want you," Teal said.

"My daddy wanted me. I think in her own way my mama tried to want me, did want me very much once," I said. smiling.

They looked at me, each of them thinking of times when they had felt the same way about their parents. I'm sure.

"Let's get moving, girls," the man behind us ordered. Robin pressed her lips together. Her eyes watered.

Teal looked away quickly.

"You know," I said, "I almost feel like thanking Dr. Foreman."

"For what?" Teal said, turning back quickly. "For ourselves," I said.

"Yeah, well, if either of you see me on a street in Beverly Hills or Worth Avenue in Palm Beach, pretend we never met, will you?" Teal said.

She took a step toward her car, then turned and hugged Robin. They held each other as if they thought when they let go they'd fall into a dark hole.

Teal did the same to me and I held her tightly, too. Then Robin and I hugged.

None of us spoke. We looked at each other as if for the first time ever, then they turned to their vehicles, Hagoone, I thought as they got into their cars.

Just before I at into mine, a sparrow landed on its hood. tapped proudly in a small circle. then lifted into the wind. looking like it could fly to the stars.

I watched it.

And then I got into the car. embraced myself.

and snuggled into a corner of the seat.

I looked out the window, but I saw nothing but my own face reflected in the glass.

Then I fingered the small turquoise stone and smiled. Natani's drum followed me all the way to my new home.



Dear Freaks,

I guess you didn't expect to hear from me,

especially in the form of a letter, but all that writing experience at Dr. Foreman's School has paid off Ha! Ha!

Seriously, I actually received CM A in English this quarter. I'm doing well in all my classes, even math. Every time I receive a good grade for anything in any class, I thank Gia.

I figured the only reason I haven't heard from either of you was you didn't know my address, especially since I didn't know it myself when we parted. Why else would you have ignored me all this time? Unless, of course, you're both doing time in some maximum security institution for continuing to violate every law possible.

I haven't so much as been reprimanded in class, and I haven't been late to school or to any class. No one is more shocked about that than I am.

You know what frightens me the most about all this? If Dr. Foreman were alive, she'd claim credit. She'd be telling everyone she did it, then more poor and pathetic girls like us would be sent to her school. Maybe that is really why Gia did what she did. She put a stop to it.

I don't know how it is for you these days with all the time that has passed. Sometimes, I wake up and look around as if I expect to be back in the barn barracks, and I'm surprised I'm in a real bed In my own room, which is a very nice room, by the way. I'm sure it not as nice as Teals., so don't start describing your room again and cataloging all your valuable possessions, Teal. I acknowledge you're a spoiled rich kid.

Just kidding. I'm jealous as always.

Sometimes, often I should say, if I hear a thumping sound, maybe just the bass on a speaker in

some guy's car, I think,. about Natani. I laugh to myself remembering the looks on your faceswhen he told us his animal stories or spoke in his mystical way. The truth is I miss him and wish that someday I can go back to see him.

Tags: V.C. Andrews Broken Wings Horror
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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