After wishing the cashier a Merry Christmas, I’m back in my truck to head home. According to the instructions I read on the web, the dough has to rise for about an hour and a half or so, which gives Gwen and I some time to work on other things. I spent most of yesterday occupying Ruby while Gwen wrapped presents, so I’m looking forward to some quality time with my wife.
Before returning home, I decide to drive through town one last time to look at the decorations and the town’s Christmas tree. By the end of the week, everything will change as we celebrate the New Year and then Valentine’s Day.
The years are starting to go by too fast. Just yesterday, it was April, and my clients were frantically filing their taxes before the deadline, and now it’s the end of the year and I’m left wondering if I accomplished everything I needed.
I’ve never been a man who makes resolutions, but this year I am: to work on my marriage. It’s taken a hard lesson to make me realize that marriage is a job. Both of us have to constantly work to make it the best it can be. We’re both to blame for what happened earlier. However, I shoulder most of it. We’ve both vowed to never put ourselves in that situation again. Communication is key.
On my drive through town, I spot Gabe, sitting on the park bench. He’s alone, of course, and from my car, it looks like he’s asleep. I pull up along the curb and get out, pulling my coat closer to fight the chill in the air.
“Hello, Gabe?”
He startles. “Mr. Sutton, it’s far too cold for you to be out. You should head home to your family.”
“I was just on my way, but I saw you sitting here so I thought I’d join you for a few minutes.” I sit down next to him and shiver. I don’t want to say he was instrumental in my reconciliation with Gwen, but he definitely guided me with his words of wisdom. “I haven’t seen you the past couple of days.”
“No, I guess my time here is almost done.”
“What do you mean?”
Gabe chuckles but doesn’t say anything. I don’t know whether I should press him for more or just let it go. “How’s Ruby?” he asks.
“She’s doing well.”
He nods. “A sweet little girl who loves her mommy and daddy. She also likes to read, ice-skate, and play tag.”
“Yes, she gives us a run for our money. How would you like to see her tonight?”
Gabe looks at me with surprise in his eyes. “It’s Christmas Eve. You should be with your family, Mr. Sutton.”
He’s right. I stand and extend my hand to him. “Something tells me my family would be delighted if you joined us for dinner tonight.”
He looks from me to my hand and back again. When he starts to shake his head, I put my hand up. “If it weren’t for you, I don’t know if I’d be able to spend Christmas with my family. You helped me see the error of my ways.” Gabe smiles. “Spend the evening with my family, let us properly thank you.”
“If you insist.”
“It’d be our pleasure to have you sit at our table, Gabe.” He follows me to my truck and gets in without any assistance. I don’t bother to text Gwen to tell her I’m bringing him home. Something tells me she’s going to be okay with this.
“Your home is beautiful,” he says as soon as pull into the driveway.
“Thank you,” I reply, staring at the front of the house. I wish I could take credit for the outside, but I can’t. Gwen did this. She made sure our home still felt like Christmas even though I wasn’t around. The garland with its white lights is a welcoming feature as we climb the steps onto the porch, and the wreath that hangs on our door is decorated with red and white ribbons, but it’s the angel that dangles in the middle that catches me off guard. I’ve never seen it before.
“Haven’t you ever seen an angel before?” Gabe asks, clearly recognizing my hesitation at the door.
“It’s not that. We’ve always used a snowman or Santa. The angel is new.” I look back at Gabe and have to do a double take. It seems as if he’s cleaned himself up, even though it’s impossible. Without taking my eyes off him, I open the door and announce that I’m home.
“Gabe!” Ruby screams as soon as we step in. “Daddy, this is my friend Gabe. He’s the one who gave me the book you’ve been reading to me at night.”
In this moment, everything becomes clear to me. This man is more than who he says, but that’s his secret to tell. To me, he’s the man who gave me the words I needed to figure out my life.
“Gabe, what a surprise.” As soon as I see Gwen, I go to her, giving her a kiss.
“This is okay, right?” I whisper into her ear.
“Of course it is.” She kisses me on the cheek and sidesteps me. “Gabe, would you like me to take your jacket?”
“No, I’m afraid I should leave it on. But a washroom would be splendid.”
“I’ll show him,” Ruby says. She grabs his hand and pulls the old man down the hallway.