Gwen and I head into the kitchen, where I have to break the news about dinner rolls. Looking at the clock and the timer on the oven, it dawns on me that we don’t have enough time to make our own.
“I’m sorry I took so long. Gabe was sitting on the bench, so I stopped to talk to him. And also the store was out of rolls, and I thought we could make them homemade.” I shrug and point to the clock.
“It’s fine, Rory. We can make do without rolls tonight.”
“Hey, babe. Do you believe in angels?”
My question gives her pause. She turns to face me. “This year, I believe in miracles, and if an angel is the one making those happen for us, then yes, I do.”
“Smells delicious,” Gabe interrupts us as he and Ruby enter the kitchen. Much to my surprise, he’s taken off his coat and seems to have on a nice new flannel.
“Oh, Gabe, that shirt looks wonderful on you,” Gwen says happily. “It fits well, I see.”
“Yes, Mrs. Sutton. I can’t thank you enough.”
“Call me Gwen. We’re happy to help. Ruby, why don’t you take our guest into the dining room? Your father and I will bring dinner out.”
As soon as Ruby and Gabe are in the other room, I ask Gwen, “Did you buy him clothes?”
“I did. I don’t know why. I was shopping for you, and the next thing I knew I had a pile for him.”
I pull her into my arms. “You’re the best, Gwen Sutton. I love you, and I’m sorry for letting work cloud my priorities.”
Gwen presses her lips to mine. “I love you, Rory.”
Together we carry our Christmas Eve meal into the dining room, each taking turns dishing up plates for everyone. After I sit down, I reach for Gwen’s and Ruby’s hands.
“Ruby, would like to lead us in giving thanks this evening?” I ask her.
She nods and grabs Gabe’s hand, holding it proudly. “I give thanks for my family and my new best friend Gabe, and thank him for bringing my mommy and daddy back together.”
Just as Ruby finishes, a bell from atop the Christmas tree rings. Gwen and I both look up. Ruby is smiling, almost giddy.
“You know, I’ve heard that every time a bell rings, an angel gets his wings,” I say.
And Gabe … well, he just tilts his head toward us and winks.