The Unexpected Marriage of Gabriel Stone (Lords of Disgrace 4) - Page 50

There was no point in pressing Louis, nor should she. ‘I am certain Lady Avenmore would be delighted if someone took on that task. The marquess’s secretary is already loaded down with all the work we are finding for him. Ah, here she is. Lady Avenmore, may I present Mr Louis Stone, Gabriel’s youngest brother. Louis, the Marchioness of Avenmore.’

Louis made a very proper bow and shook hands and they all sat again while Caroline explained about his offer of help and Tamsyn accepted gratefully.

‘Lord Edenbridge, my lady.’ Benson ushered Gabriel in.

‘Tamsyn, Caroline.’ He stopped halfway across the carpet. ‘Louis? What are you doing here?’

‘I came to offer my assistance as I have completed everything you left me.’

‘Have you indeed? And you have made yourself right at home, I see.’ Gabriel cast a jaundiced eye over his brother’s crumb-strewn plate.

‘We are very glad to see him, and I am delighted to make his acquaintance,’ Caroline said. ‘We were just talking about Edenvale.’

In the silence that followed she thought she could hear her own heart beating.

‘What about it, exactly?’

‘I was just saying that I couldn’t tell Caroline much because I hardly ever go there,’ Louis said.

‘I don’t even know where it is,’ she added in an effort to ease the strained atmosphere. ‘I am looking forward to seeing it very much.’

‘We will drive over when we are in Brighton,’ Gabriel said with no marked enthusiasm.

‘We are not going there for our honeymoon, then?’

‘Brighton, yes. Edenvale, no. It needs work doing to it,’ he added. ‘I thought you would like Brighton. Have you been before?’

‘No, never.’ And I know a No Trespassing sign when I see one. ‘I am sure it will be delightful if this weather holds.’

‘It looks set fair. Excuse me, I must go and discuss wine with Cris. Make yourself useful here, Louis, and I will see you for dinner at Mount Street.’ He paused with one hand on the door. ‘I have asked Cris to be my best man. I wondered if you would like Alex to give you away, Caroline.’

‘Oh, yes, I would.’ He nodded and went out as she said to Tamsyn, ‘I cannot think of anyone better qualified to soothe a nervous bride’s nerves.’

‘Are you nervous?’ Louis asked, then blushed violently. ‘I do beg your pardon, I am sure that is the sort of thing one does not ask.’

He was so charmingly dismayed that she laughed. ‘It is merely the scandal, that is all.’

‘The scandal? You know about...?’ His voice trailed away. ‘Oh, you mean the scandal about the elopement. If you will excuse me, I will go and find Lord Avenmore’s secretary and offer to help with the place cards.’

‘And what was that about?’ Caroline asked Tamsyn whose bemused expression must be a match for her own. ‘What scandal?’

‘I have no idea. You will have to ask Gabriel.’

‘No, Gabriel has enough to worry about. If he wants me to know, he will tell me.’

‘You are very trusting. Anyone would think you were in love with the man,’ Tamsyn said slyly. ‘Have another cake.’

Chapter Seventeen

‘Deep breath, chin up.’ Alex said, settling her hand more firmly in the crook of his elbow. ‘You look ravishing, you’ll bring Gabriel to his knees, every man in the place, including the vicar, will want to run off with you and all the ladies will be green with envy over your gown.’

If the laugh that escaped her was shaky it did release some of the tension, which was presumably why Alex was laying on the flattery with a trowel. ‘Thank you,’ Caroline said, answering the intent, not the words.

‘Off we go then.’ Alex set off at a slow walk for the head of the stairs, then paused for her to lift the hem of her skirt a little an

d get a grip on the spray of cream-and-pink roses and ferns she carried.

At the foot of the great sweep of staircase the household staff were arrayed in formal ranks and, as she came down the final curve, Caroline could see heads turning in the drawing room. Goodness knew what strings Cris and Alex had pulled, what wiles Tess and Tamsyn had employed, to get such a number of guests there. And such influential ones, too. Two Patronesses of Almack’s, the Swedish ambassador and his wife, one ancient duke, a marquess, a scattering of countesses, an archdeacon...

Tags: Louise Allen Lords of Disgrace Historical
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025