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The Hustle (Irreparable 4)

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l bag of lingerie in the air and say in a sultry voice, “I was picking up something special for you.”

The tightness defining the fine lines around his eyes relaxes, but his posture remains stiff as he puts a finger in the bag. My heart pounds furiously behind my ribs as he peeks inside, maintaining a firm grip on my arm with his other hand.

I exhale slowly when his lips curve into a smile and he releases my arm. “I’m sorry,” he says, kissing my arm where his hand had been. “I went crazy when you weren’t here.”

His arms snake around my waist. As he pulls me close, I feel the cell phone poking into my hip bone. If he feels it too, my plan will be exposed. Sweat breaks out over my brow and my hands tremble.

“Papa,” Javier yells as he exits the fitting room with a ball of clothing in his arms.

Eduardo releases me to go to his son. Relief rushes out of me as I take the clothing to the counter to pay for the items, feeling Marco directly behind me. While the cashier rings me up, Marco leans in close. “Are you trying to get yourself killed?”

“I’m fine,” I snap, keeping my eyes forward.

“You’re foolish. Whatever you’re planning . . . don’t.”

His warning is far too late. My heart will always belong to Tug and I won’t allow Eduardo to hurt him.

Eduardo takes me and Javier to lunch, before we return to the mansion. While I was given permission to go into town with Javier, the freedom I crave never comes. Because, I’m not free. I’m a prisoner and I always will be. As will my son if I don’t find a way to escape with my family.

As we enter the mansion, Eduardo hands the bags of clothing to the housekeeper and then offers to remove my jacket. Denying him will raise suspicion, but I’m terrified to hand over my jacket with the only possession I have that means anything to me.

I decide not to stop him and as the jacket slides from my arms, heat rushes to my face. He hands it to the housekeeper, who hangs it on the coatrack in the foyer.

“Are you all right, baby?”

I glance at Eduardo, realizing my focus on the jacket lasted too long.

“I’m a little tired,” I say, noticing his expression remains wary. I extend to my tiptoes to kiss him on the cheek. “Someone kept me up late.”

My flirty teasing brings a smile to his face. “You should take a nap.” He guides me by the waist toward the staircase. I feel the phone calling to me as I climb the stairs and I know Eduardo is going to find it.

The wrath that awaits me when he discovers what I’ve been planning will destroy me and Javier.

I made a horrendous mistake and as Eduardo tucks me into bed, I want to take it all back. As of late, life has been bearable with Eduardo. He may not be the man I want to love me, but he loves me. He’s been kind and decent and now I’ve made certain he’ll regret it.

My body beckons me to sleep, winning the battle over my mind to stay awake because I know my life won’t be the same when I wake up.

“Peyton’s very sweet,” Tori says, dangling a toy above Little A’s face.

I smile over at Peyton, who appears to be happy playing a game with Drew at the kitchen table. “Hmmm,” I respond, slightly amused.

“What? You don’t think so?”

“She’s a spit-fire, confident, sassy, argumentative . . . so many things, and yes, maybe a little sweet, too.”

Tori laughs deep from her chest. “She challenges you?”

I nod, joining in her laughter. “You have no idea.”

“I love it. And I’m happy you found someone.”

“Slow down there. I haven’t known her long and I’m still not over Maria.”

“I know, but it’s a start.” She picks Little A up, nuzzling her nose into his neck fat and blowing raspberries. My nephew’s laughter reminds me, life should be happy.

“You got a minute?” Brady asks. I didn’t hear him approach and I turn my head as he nods toward the back deck.

As we sit at the table outside, the worry casting over his expression means he wants to talk about something that will only lead to an argument. We may end up going to blows when I tell him what I’m doing and that Eduardo threatened his family.

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