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The Hustle (Irreparable 4)

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To my surprise, Montez isn’t the name out of his mouth. “Have you talked to Liv?”

My head falls forward as irritation flares in my gut. I’ve only spoken to my sister a handful of times since she moved back to Pacific Beach to live with Harrison. He’s a cheating pig that will cheat again and she refuses to see it. “No.”

Brady pinches the bridge of his nose as I plan a trip to Pacific Beach to beat the shit out of Harrison. “She and Harrison are getting married.”

“What? How can she marry that fucker?” I shove back in the chair, balling my fists as I look for something to punch. I think I preferred the conversation where I thought Brady was going to tell me Harrison cheated on her again. “We have to talk some sense into her.”

Brady lets out a clipped laugh. “This is Liv we’re talking about.”

He’s right. Liv won’t listen to either of us and the more we press the more she avoids us. “He doesn’t deserve her.”

“No, he doesn’t, but she’s an adult and if we love her, we may have to let her fall. She’s convinced he’s changed.”

“That’s a heap of shit.”

“Probably, but she’s in love.”

Love. Fucking love. The one emotion that blinds reason and makes us susceptible to manipulation. Liv will experience her own version of the hustle. Harrison’s living the good life off her trust fund, but he doesn’t love her.

“When is this wedding supposed to happen?”

“Next year.”

I shrug and laugh. “Plenty of time for him to screw up then.”

Brady frowns. “Honestly, I hope he doesn’t. It’s time our family experiences some happiness.”

I clasp my hands together, fighting nerves so I can say what I came here to discuss with my brother. “I thought I could get Maria back and I went after Montez.”

“I know.” I blink rapidly in surprise as I lean back in the chair. “You think I haven’t noticed the security you hired following us around? I spoke with Sid.”

“He took my family from me.” I lean forward, resting my elbows on the table. “Eduardo warned that if I crossed him, there may be consequences.”

Brady stays remarkably composed as he soaks in what I said. “And I assume that’s what you intend to do?”

“Eventually, but he’ll be dealt with by his own people before he finds out.”

“You hope, but this is serious shit you’re involved in. You need to stop whatever you’re planning.”

I rap my knuckles on the table with frustration. “Fuck, don’t you think I want to, but he’ll know I intended to play him if I quit now. You think he’ll accept that and leave us alone? That’s not how he operates.”

“You better be damn sure, little brother. If Maria is in love with him, and you get to him, it may be her retaliation you have to face. Maybe you’re fighting the wrong villain.”

“No.” I shake my head frantically. “He had something on her father and swayed the other cartels to save his life. Then he came for Maria. If she had a choice, she would have never gone back with him.”

Blood pools in my mouth as bite the inside of my cheek. I want desperately to believe Maria didn’t go willingly, but in those pictures, she was no longer fighting him. Is it possible she’s working a hustle of her own? Fuck, it’s all so maddening. I can’t think about it without feeling like I’m trapped in some enormous maze without an exit.

“I hope you’re right,” Brady says and then looks right at me. “But swear to me that before anything goes down, you’ll warn me so I can get Tori and the kids out of Mexico.” I nod as he reaches out to shake my hand. “What will you do after? If Maria returns? What about this girl you brought to my house?”

Before I answer, Peyton comes through the sliding glass door and sits next to me. I shake my head at Brady and shrug. Disappointment crosses over his expression before he turns his head to Peyton. He knows I fucked up again by getting involved with Peyton. I did, but I’m in too deep to walk away.

“So, Brady, your brother tells me you’re in a band,” Peyton says. “Which one?”

“Second Chances,” Brady answers politely.

“Never heard of you.” She flashes an awkward smile. “Sorry.”

“No biggie,” Brady assures her with a soft laugh. “The guys are a bunch of degenerate slackers.”

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