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Irreparably Broken (Irreparable 1)

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Chapter 16


“What in the hell are you doing, Victoria Marie?” I fall back onto the couch cushion and sigh. Canceling on Harrison to go out with Brady is absolutely one of my dumber ideas. The first time I hadn’t planned on flaking on Harrison, and this time, I blame my body. My brain intended to decline Brady’s offer. But then, Brady Hunter has a way of taking my best intentions and throwing them right out of the damn window. I smile when I think about what he said. He thinks I’m beautiful.

I grab my cell and send Harrison a quick text.

Tori: To: Harrison 7:22 PM Can’t make it Fri. Sorry…Party at beach Sat. night…B my date?

Harrison: 7:24 PM Bummer about Fri…Sat. sounds gr8 tho.

Tori: To: Harrison: 7:25 PM Yay!!! C U then.

I’m officially a terrible person. The amber room is totally calling my name. At least I’ll have company, because Brady is damn sure coming with me. There’s no way they’re letting him waltz through the pearly gates. Absolutely not, he’s on the fast track south already.


Wednesday morning I eagerly wait for Liv to leave for work. When she’s gone, I drive to the storage locker my parents rented for me to keep my belongings in when they moved. I sort through a bunch of my old toys and books, and place the ones that are still in good shape in a box to take with me to T.J. As much as I’m a jerk for bailing on Harrison, I’m looking forward to seeing the kids again, especially Camilia.

When I finish at the storage place, I drive to the beach and take a long stroll. The sand is hot on my feet, and I taste the salt on my lips. As I’m walking, my thoughts to drift to Brady, as they’ve been doing since he popped in on me in the bathroom, catching me in all my glory. Admittedly, I like Harrison, but I’ve been in love with Brady for years. I wish he’d open up to me, share what’s going on with him. Why did he come home this summer when he’s spent the last three summers in L.A.? For some reason, I don’t believe the story about his internship falling through.

Wednesday night I leave for work, realizing I haven’t seen Brady since he walked up the stairs yesterday after asking me to go with him to T.J. It’s not unlike him to vanish for a while. Where does he go? I laugh to myself, thinking I should play detective and follow him the next time he leaves. Wow! I have been hanging out with Liv too long. Spying is something she would do – something she did do – when she thought her ex-boyfriend was up to no good. I’ll never forget her dragging me with her to stake out his apartment until three in the morning.

When I arrive at work, Liv and Harrison are sitting at a table, chatting. “Hey, guys. What’s up?” I ask when I reach their table.

Harrison sips his coffee and smiles at me from behind the cup. “Not much, just hanging out. I tried to text you earlier.”

“Oh, crap. Sorry.” I pull my phone from my purse and turn the ringer back on. “I silenced my phone this morning and must have forgotten to turn it back on.”

He shrugs and smiles. “No biggie. I just wanted to say hi.”

“Hi,” I say, and wave, feeling a mix of bashfulness and guilt. Maybe I should tell Brady I can’t go with him and keep my date with Harrison. Harrison’s considerate and kind, and doesn’t send my emotions all over the map. He’s stable. He’s husband material, a guy capable of committing to a girl and planning a future with her – the life I want. Why am I avoiding him? Maybe because I thought Jake was that guy, too, and I was dead wrong.

Brady is entirely the opposite of Harrison, everything I should steer clear of: unstable, temperamental, and incapable of having a serious relationship. Not to mention the secrets he keeps from everyone. Yet a single glance from him is my undoing. He’s like a drug, and without my fix I can’t function.

I remember when Jake and I broke up, people thought I was devastated because I lost him. In reality, it was losing Brady that completely destroyed me, and sent me into a depression. Brady’s deceit is what locked me away and led me to believe love isn’t worth it. Now that I have him back, I’m desperate to hold on to him. Maybe I’m heading into a storm that will only bring heartache, but I’m doing it with my eyes wide open. I know exactly the type of person Brady is, and, foolish as it may be, I want to weather the storm with him, figure him out, and possibly make him fall in love with me.

I shake away my thoughts when I sense Harrison’s eyes on me. I smile wanly and slip into the back room to put my things away.

When my shift starts, Liv leaves the Bean for a hot date with the boy I’ve yet to meet, the one who took her to the movies the other night. Harrison hangs around for a while, talking with me in between customers.

I’m lost in thought when Harrison touches my arm. Other than alerting me to his presence, the touch does nothing. No reactive tingle this time. That scares me, because the reason is ludicrous. I’m pining after a man who only wants to be my friend. If I run Harrison off and Brady breaks my heart, I’m back to square one.

“Are we still on for Saturday?” he asks.

We are, because I have to move on, and not just from Jake. Minutes ago I was thinking I wanted Brady to fall in love with me, and now I’m telling myself to accept that Brady only wants to be friends. My emotions are like an out-of-control wildfire; just when I think I have them contained they shift direction on me, and he’s not even here. “Yes. One of Tug’s friends is having a bonfire at the beach. You still up for that? We can totally do something else as long as you ask the attack dog. Liv can’t be angry if you ask.”

He laughs. “No, I’m good with it. I’m looking forward to hanging out with you again. I gotta get going. Call me later.”

“’Kay.” I hang my head, and he leaves. Good God, I’m a complete mess.

The rest of my shift drags. I end up spilling a couple of drinks. One customer gets truly upset because she’s running late and tattles to Ted. He gives her the drink for free and then tosses a quiet expletive her way when she walks out the door. I thank him for it, and he winks at me. Ted is fantastic to work for. I’m happy I got over my judgmental first impression of him.

I say goodnight to Ted as he’s locking up and climb in my Jeep. There’s a neatly folded tissue taped to my steering wheel with my name on it. I throw my head back against the seat and smile. Then I sigh, emotionally exhausted after working an entire shift thinking, I love him, I hate him, I love him, I hate him.

What am I going to do with you, Brady Hunter?

When I unfold the square, there’s more than one and the tissues are torn in a few places where the pen went through. Sunshine. I’m going to kill him for the nickname alone, and I haven’t even read the note yet. I smile in spite of my annoyance, picturing the blush on his face the night he came up with the name, the same night he said I was beautiful.

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