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Irreparably Broken (Irreparable 1)

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You were right. Who you date is none of my business. Trust me, though, when I tell you Harrison is up to no good. Trust me when I tell you his intentions aren’t genuine, and trust me when I tell you that you deserve better, so much better. I wish I could tell you everything, but I can’t. If you don’t want to trust me, that’s fine, too. Just promise me you’ll be careful. – Brady

I drop my head onto the steering wheel, grunting, which accidentally sounds the horn. A few people glance my way and I wave, mouthing “accident” to them.

What in the hell is going on between Harrison and Brady? Considering for a moment what Brady did when it came to Jake, I have no logical reason not to trust him. He’s probably looking out for me now, just as he did then. But why? Agitation is surging through me as I think about it. There’s significantly more to the story, and one of these two dumbasses needs to start explaining.

As I drive home, I’m positively bent on confronting Brady and demanding answers. If he thinks he can slap a note like that on my dash and pretend as though it never happened, he is out of his goddamn gourd. I’ve had just about enough of his cryptic messages. There’s not a decoder ring on the planet powerful enough to decipher what he means most of the time.

Of course Brady’s not home. Spineless coward is probably hiding out at a friend’s, knowing his little note upset the hell out of me.

Once I’m inside, I read a note on the counter from Liv’s parents. I can’t help but chuckle that it says “To Hunter children and honorary Hunter child.” They’ll be out late, and we are on our own for dinner. I make a turkey sandwich and take it up to my room.

I try to call Harrison, but he doesn’t answer. I try to call Brady, but he doesn’t answer, either. I want to scream at both of them. What is their deal?

When I hear footsteps on the stairs, I’m disappointed it’s not Brady. It’s pitiful, that I’m keen to the sound of his footsteps. That only leaves Tug or Liv. When the door opens, Tug stands in the doorway, smiling mischievously. He launches himself onto my bed, sending my sandwich to the floor. I don’t even scold him and pick it up. I’m hopelessly lonely, so I’m glad he’s home to keep me company.

He takes a huge bite of my sandwich, and I shake my head.

He talks while chewing. “Hey, chica. I thought you’d be working.”

I snatch my sandwich back from him and give him a dirty look. “Just got off.”

Tug wipes his hands on his shirt. “You wanna go get some ice cream or something?”

“I’d rather…”

Tug interrupts. “You’d rather cover yourself in honey and hang out in the bear pit at the zoo than go out with me.”

I laugh. “That’s a pretty good one, Tuggy.”

“Hey, I got skills. It’s just ice cream. I think you can stand my company for a little while. Come on, I’ll buy.”

There’s nothing better to drown my thoughts in than a giant scoop or two of pistachio ice cream. “All right. Let’s do it.”

“Really?” He makes a face, exaggerating his surprise.

I shove his arm, nudging him from the bed. “Better get up before I change my mind, Tug.”

He stands and looks down at me. “You drive, though. I love the Jeep,” he says.

I don’t want to drive and I suggest he drive my Jeep.

“Oh…that hurts…I’ve been reduced to your chauffer now.”

“Do you want to get ice cream or not, Tug? Those are my terms.”

Tug grins. “Just call me Morgan Freeman. I’ll drive me some Miss Tori.”

I stand and push him toward the door. “Oh, yeah, and I need the straitjacket.”

“Touché.” He grins.


Tug and I sit on the beach, eating our ice cream. I’m a little edgy and keep glancing at the sky for fear of ending up with a hair full of seagull poop. Tug keeps razzing me and shouting “look out!” every so often

. He’s such a shit, but he’s also a charmer. I like the playful way he treats me. He’s a flirt and there’s a hint of attraction, but Tug never grays the line. He knows I’d kick him square in the balls if he did.

I hope he meets a girl worthy of him someday, someone who’s worthy by my standards. It’s going to take one hell of a girl for me to think she’s right for Tug. I’m insane to assume I get any say-so in who he chooses for a girlfriend. Just the thought of some girl hurting Tug pulls on my heartstrings. He’s so sweet, and the idea someone could potentially tarnish that makes me a little possessive toward him, no matter how crazy that makes me. Whoever she is, if she hurts him, I’ll kick her ass.

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